Coronavirus, 69 new infections in Puglia. There are 8 infected in the bat.


Left coronavirus

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The president of the Puglia Region, based on information from the director of the Health Promotion Department, Vito Montanaro, informs that today Sunday August 30, 2020 in Puglia, 2,708 tests for Covid-19 coronavirus infection and have been recorded 69 positive cases: 41 in the province of Bari, 8 in the province of BAT, 1 in the province of Brindisi, 14 in the province of Foggia, 1 in the province of Lecce, 4 in the province of Taranto.

NO deaths were recorded.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 303,046 tests have been carried out.

4,029 are recovered patients.

817 are currently positive cases.

The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 5,402, divided as follows:

1,862 in the province of Bari;

440 in the province of Bat;

706 in the province of Brindisi;

1,371 in the province of Foggia;

669 in the province of Lecce;

313 in the province of Taranto;

38 attributed to residents outside the region;

3 unknown province.

The APL prevention departments have activated all the procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts.

The epidemiological bulletin of the Puglia region 30.8.2020 is available at the link:



The Epidemiological Coordination of the Puglia Region announces that thanks to the detection activity initiated by the returns from Sardinia, today 8 new positive cases have been identified in the region. The activity continues.

Statement from the Director General of the ASL BA, Antonio Sanguedolce:

“Today’s epidemiological bulletin reveals 41 cases of positivity for SARS-CoV-2 in the province of Bari, mostly referring to symptomatic subjects, close contacts of previously identified positives and returning from outside the region. In detail, these are 17 cases with symptoms that have been treated by the emergency room of our hospitals on which there are ongoing investigations, 16 cases found in the contact tracing activity of our prevention department, 4 returns from Sardinia, 1 return from Sicily, 1 from Greece and two patients who were subjected to swabs according to protocol before performing a health service ”.

Statement from ASL BAT CEO Alessandro Delle Donne:

“There are 8 cases registered today in the Bat province: 4 have returned from Sardinia, 1 from Bulgaria, 1 a returning soldier, 1 is among the direct contacts of a positive case in recent days while another is being investigated. Of the 8 cases today, only 1 is symptomatic ”.

Statement from DG Asl Brindisi Giuseppe Pasqualone:

“The only case registered today is that of a person who has shown symptoms compatible with the Coronavirus and has been subjected to a swab. It is in fiduciary isolation and the network of contacts is being rebuilt ”.

Statement from Dg Asl Le Rodolfo Rollo:

“The case registered today by our Prevention Department concerns a resident of the province of Lecce who has returned from Malta.”

Statement from the CEO of Asl Foggia, Vito Piazzolla:

“Today 14 new positivities of Covid19 have been registered in the province of Foggia. These are 4 foreign citizens present in the provincial territory; 6 people returning from Campania; 2 symptomatic people, identified thanks to reports from general practitioners; 2 people identified during the detection activity. The business hygiene service is rebuilding the chains of contagion to provide for voluntary active surveillance. We invite the public to strictly follow the prevention rules such as: use of masks, hand washing and social distancing ”.

Statement from the CEO of Taranto ASL, Stefano Rossi:

“The cases registered in the province of Taranto go back to contacts with already identified covid cases and to a small outbreak present in a peripheral spa. Thanks to the meticulous and scrupulous “contact tracing” work of the prevention department specialists, we are working to limit the chain of infections. Once again the suggestion is to protect and safeguard yourself and others in private and professional relationships, take the necessary precautions, following the indications of the local health authorities ”.
