Coronavirus, 65 new cases in Puglia. In Bari they return from their trip to Calabria all positive


The Puglia Raise the guard level again. After Greece, Malta, Spain and Croatia, even those arriving from Sardinia must (compulsorily) complete the self-report form on the Region’s website and submit to the buffer. The numbers impose this strategy, wanted by Governor Michele Emiliano to stop the contagions back. There are many cases of people who discover that they are positive after a vacation on the island: 15 of the 52 infected discovered yesterday and reported in the bulletin, including a whole family (5 people) in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani. Even in the latest update of the epidemiological report the image does not change.

am 65 positive cases discovered in the last 24 hours of 2,753 tests of Covid-19 infection analyzed. Only one in the province of Lecce, a person who had a “close contact” with a positive from outside the region as explained by the general director of the ASL, Rodolfo Rollo.

Focus on bari provinceinstead, where were they found 56 positives, almost all acquaintances “linked” to each other for a vacation. As explained by Director General Antonio Sanguedolce, 29 positive people are citizens of Bari and its province who have returned from an organized bus trip to Calabria. Eight are close contacts of cases already found. In the rest – he continues – investigations by the Department of Prevention are underway to reconstruct the chain of infections and isolate the outbreaks ”.

3 cases in the BAT province: two linked to positive cases in recent days. Only one symptomatic case as explained by the general director of the local Asl Alessandro Delle Donne.

5 positives in the province of Foggia. “These are 2 cases related to outbreaks already known and limited; 2 people returned from Sardinia and Campania respectively; 1 symptomatic person, identified thanks to the recommendation of the GP ”, declared the general director Vito Piazzolla. For new cases, not linked to detected outbreaks, the Corporate Hygiene service is rapidly rebuilding the chains of contagion.

The death box is still empty. Since the beginning of the emergency, 300,338 tests have been carried out. 4,029 are recovered patients. 748 are currently positive cases (total cases minus deaths and cured). 117 are hospitalized.

The total number of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 5,333, divided as follows:

  • 1,821 in the province of Bari
  • 432 in Bat province
  • 705 in the province of Brindisi
  • 1,357 in the province of Foggia
  • 668 in the province of Lecce
  • 309 in the province of Taranto
  • 38 attributed to residents outside the region
  • 3 unknown province.

It is important – now more than ever – to respect the rules to avoid the spread of infection: keep a safe distance, use the mask in crowded places where it is not possible to ‘measure’ the meter or more necessary and wash your hands or sanitize them frequently with solutions hydroalcoholic.
