Coronavirus, 5,901 new infections in 24 hours with 41 deaths | In Lombardy 1,080 cases, Lazio records its historical peak +579


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Splash intensive therapies: +62 in 24 hours – The increase in patients admitted to intensive care is impressive: in just 24 hours there are 62 more patients in resuscitation for a total of 514 (on Monday there were 452). The Ministry of Health bulletin also shows that the threshold of 5,000 hospitalized in ordinary wards has been exceeded: there are 5,076,255 more. Currently there are 87,193 positive, with an increase of 4,429 compared to Sunday: of these 81,603 are in home isolation (+4,112). Finally, 242,028 were discharged and cured, with an increase of 1,428.

Lombardy, Campania and Piedmont are the regions with the most cases – Lombardy is the region with the most cases (+1,080), according to the daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health. Followed by Campania (+635), Piedmont (585), Lazio (579, always the peak) and Veneto (485). No region with zero cases, the “best” is Basilicata with 8 new infections.

In the city of Milan 236 cases, 440 in the province – With 17,186 smears performed, 1,080 positive cases were registered in Lombardy, with a percentage of 6.2%. There are 12 new hospitalized in intensive care for a total of 62, while the number of patients in the other wards amounts to 546, 83 more than on Monday. There are 6 deceased, bringing the total number to 16,994. Regarding the Provinces, 440 cases were reported in Milan, of which 236 in the city; at Monza 180, at Varese 121, at Como 61, at Mantua 46, at Lecco 43, at Bergamo 40, at Brescia 35; 34 in Pavia. 23 in Cremona and ten respectively in Sondrio and Lodi.
