Coronavirus, 575 new infections and 21 deaths in Fvg


Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia, 575 new infections have been detected – 8.24 percent of the 6980 swabs performed – and 21 deaths from Covid-19. This was announced by the Deputy Governor responsible for Health, Riccardo Riccardi.

With respect to the last days, the number of positives has dropped, both in absolute terms and in relation to the tests (Today, for the Monday average, many more than usual, also thanks to the recovery announced yesterday of the buffers not yet introduced into the system). On the other hand, the number of victims rises again (yesterday there were 16), which unfortunately will be one of the last to fall.

The current cases of infection are 14,876. The number of patients in intensive care decreased to 55 (two less than yesterday) and the number of hospitalized patients in other departments increased to 633 (13 more than in the last bulletin). The deaths amounted to 838, with the following territorial subdivision: 306 in Trieste, 313 in Udine, 180 in Pordenone and 39 in Gorizia.

People who have tested positive for the virus in the region since the beginning of the pandemic amounted to a total of 30,650, of which: 7,264 in Trieste, 13,518 in Udine, 5,768 in Pordenone and 3,733 in Gorizia, in addition to 367 people from outside the region.

The totally cured are 14,936, the clinically cured 361 and the isolated 13,827.

The victims are a 99-year-old man from Trieste who died in a nursing home; a 95-year-old woman from Trieste who died in a nursing home; a 91-year-old woman from San Giovanni al Natisone who died in a nursing home; a 90-year-old man from Udine who died in hospital; an 89-year-old man from Nimis who died in a retirement home; an 88-year-old woman from Udine who died in hospital; an 86-year-old man from Cormons who died in the hospital; an 85-year-old man from Udine who died in hospital; an 83-year-old woman from Trieste who died in hospital; an 82-year-old woman from Codroipo who died in hospital; an 81-year-old man from San Giovanni al Natisone who died in hospital; an 81-year-old man from San Giorgio della Richinvelda who died in hospital; an 81-year-old man from Buttrio who died in hospital; an 80-year-old woman from Codroipo who died in hospital; an 80-year-old man from Caneva who died in hospital; a 76-year-old man from Trieste who died in hospital; a 75-year-old man from Trieste who died in hospital; a 74-year-old man from Gemona who died in hospital; a 70-year-old man from Buttrio who died in hospital; a 70-year-old man from Pavia di Udine who died in hospital and finally a 70-year-old man from Gemona who died in hospital.

Regarding the new positivity to the virus, in the sector of nursing homes 53 cases of people housed in regional structures were detected, while there are a total of 9 infected health workers.

In front of the Regional health system (Ssr) the positivity for Covid of six nurses, a speech therapist, a doctor, a psychologist, a veterinarian and three social health workers who will be registered with the health authority of the University of Friuli Centrale; at the West Friuli health authority, a nurse; two nurses, a pharmacist and a socio-sanitary from the Giuliano Isontina university health company; doctor of the Burlo de Trieste.

Finally, two people who returned from Romania tested positive for the virus.
