Thanks to the contact tracing activity carried out by the Public Hygiene of Forlì, on Saturday 5 new cases of Covid were identified in 4 schools. As for a student from the Orceoli middle school, a student from the Santa Sofía primary school and a student from the Civitella primary school, after inspection by health professionals in the institutes, compliance with all prevention prescribed in the operational indications for the management of Covid cases and outbreaks in schools and educational services for Children of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Emilia-Romagna region. Therefore, high-risk close contacts are not identified in the school setting from positive ones, but only occasional contacts.
Occasional contacts should monitor the appearance of fever or other symptoms suspected of Covid (cough, cold, diarrhea, conjunctivitis) for 14 days from the last risk contact. If symptoms appear, you should contact your GP immediately. For occasional contacts, quarantine or suspension of school attendance is not prescribed, but it is recommended to wear the surgical mask, have careful hand hygiene and avoid opportunities for aggregation that avoid physical distancing. A swab is offered to all casual contacts.
On the other hand, a student from Benedetto Croce and a student from another section of Orceoli, after the preventive inspection carried out by the health professionals of the institute, verified compliance with all the prevention measures prescribed in the indications. However, taking into account that the screening, carried out after a previous positivity found in the same class, showed additional positivity, it was necessary to assimilate the students in the class to close contacts and quarantine them for 10 days’ the last contact, or with the execution of a tampon on the tenth day; 14 days from last contact, no swab.