Coronavirus, 447 new positives in Liguria: never so many infections in one day


Genoa. am 447 in Liguria the new positive cases of coronavirus registered today in the Alisa-Region bulletin for the Ministry of Health. A figure never so tall, that of cases registered within 24 hours, from the beginning of the emergency: it must also be said, however, that the number of tampons has never been so high: 4766, to which must be added the antigenic tests carried out in the Commenda di Pré (and which are not calculated).

This is the detail of the new positives:
• ASL 1:34
19 confirmed case contact
15 screening activities
ASL 2:24
19 confirmed case contact
5 screening activities
ASL 3: 354
110 confirmed case contact
242 discovery activities
2 return from the trip
ASL 4:17
7 confirmed case contact
9 screening activities
1 return from the trip
ASL 5:18
8 confirmed case contact
10 screening activities

Today the newsletter also marks a death: This is a 79-year-old man who died in the San Paolo de Savona hospital.

14 more hospitalized, than about 300 units (299) in the various structures of Liguria, of which 27 in intensive care, three more than yesterday. The greatest pressure is on the Genoese hospitals San Martino (78 patients) and Villa Scassi (53), followed by Galliera (40). Today the patients at the Sestri Levante hospital also grow by 7.

Covid patients are on the rise quarantined at home, therefore without the need for hospital treatment: +168 and 2624 in total. There are 4,018 people under active surveillance in Liguria, of which 1,210 in Genoa.
