There are 37,978 i new infections registered in the last 24 hours in our country, it rises again compared to about 33 thousand yesterday. the number of pads marks a new record: 234,672 tests were carried out (133 thousand related to suspected cases, the remaining 100 thousand are control swabs), while yesterday they were just over 225 thousand. At the same time, the positivity rate ranging from 14.6% to 16.1%. If we exclude the control tests, the situation does not change: today’s rate is 28.5% compared to 26.1% yesterday. Regarding the impact on hospitals, more than 500 people were hospitalized in one day: in detail, the new Beds 429 employees in the Covid wards, while another 89 patients ended up in intensive care. 636 dead. 15,645 people have recovered, while citizens currently in isolation at home reach an altitude of 602,011.
Looking at the individual regions, the Lombardy to almost 10,000 daily infections (+9,291) compared to 42,933 tests. Here the incidence of infection (excluding control swabs) is equal to 45.88%. 187 deaths, a fact that has not been seen since May 6th latest. No improvement in Piedmont, where another 4,787 cases were found, Campania (+4,065), Veneto (+3,564), Emilia romagna (+2,402), Lazio (+2,686). Less than 2,000 infections a day Tuscany, battling 1,932 new infections, followed by Liguria (+1.013), Sicily (+1,692) e Puglia (+1,434). Record of the cases in Market, where 834 people tested positive for Covid in 24 hours, and in Umbria (+783). More than 500 cases Abruzzo (541), as well as Friuli Venezia Giulia (838) and the autonomous province of Bolzano (+694). In Sardinia the infections verified compared to yesterday are 301, +253 a Trento, +426 in Calabria, another 167 cases in Aosta Valley and 202 in Basilicata. The only Region below one hundred is Molise (+73)
In terms of incidence of the infection in the number of cases analyzed, the worst situation is in Lombardy (where in fact it is 45.88%), Veneto (57.99%), Liguria (43.22%), province of Bolzano (48, 43%) and Abruzzo (55.26%). However, the rate, as several experts point out, could be slightly lower if the rapid antigenic tests, so far included in the swab count only by some regions.
If we compare the contagion data in weekly, it seems that between Monday and Thursday of this week they were jointly determined 131.308 almost. Last week (in the same time period) it was 115,552, while two weeks it was 90,828. In mid-October they were detained in 51,490, confirming the fact that the virus does not progress in exponential form like at the beginning of last month. In short, cases increase a little more slowly: last Thursday they had risen 38.1% compared to the previous 7 days, while now Increasing is 16%. Deaths, on the other hand, continue to grow strongly (and will rise again) because they photograph the impact of infections dating back at least two to three weeks.
Since the beginning of the emergency, the deaths of coronavirus in Italy, therefore, they reach 43,589, of which 18,910 only in Lombardy and almost 5,000 in Emilia and Piedmont. 387,758 the healed, while the citizens currently positive reach an altitude of 635,054. Of these, 602,011 are in home isolation, while about 30 thousand (29,873) are ill, requiring hospitalization. 3,170 people currently in intensive care.