Coronavirus, 364 more positives and 4 deaths in Massa-Carrara. Stable shelters in Noa and Pontremoli


MASSA-CARRARA – In Tuscany there are 79,403 cases of coronavirus positivity, 2,653 more than yesterday (1,870 identified in the course of the screening and 783 of the detection activities) New cases are 3.5% more than the total of the previous day . Those cured grew by 5.7% and reached 25,216 (31.8% of all cases). The swabs performed reached 1,331,924, 18,737 more than yesterday. 8,496 subjects were analyzed (excluding control swabs), of which 31.2% were positive. To these are added the 2,007 rapid antigenic swabs made today. The positives are currently 52,308 today, + 2.4% compared to yesterday. There are 2,008 hospitalized (63 more than yesterday), of which 274 in intensive care (8 more). Today there are 44 new deaths: 26 men and 18 women with an average age of 84.7 years.

These are the data – verified at 12 noon today based on requests from the National Civil Protection – related to the advance of the epidemic in the region.

The average age of 2,653 cases today is approximately 47 years (14% are under 20, 23% between 20 and 39, 34% between 40 and 59, 20% between 60 and 79, 9% are 80 years or older ).

It should be remembered that as of 06/24/2020, the Ministry of Health has modified the data collection system on the spread of Covid-19. Positive cases are no longer indicated by province of notification but by province of residence or domicile.

The following are the cases of positivity in the area with the change from yesterday. There are 22,749 cases in total to date in Florence (500 more than yesterday), 6,996 in Prato (260 more), 6,656 in Pistoia (285 more), 4,601 in Massa (364 more: Carrara 80, Massa 118, Montignoso 7, Aulla 77, Bagnone 9, Casola in Lunigiana 2, Comano 7, Filattiera 6, Fivizzano 13, Fosdinovo 1, Licciana Nardi 18, Mulazzo 1, Podenzana 12, Pontremoli 5, Tresana 5, Villafranca in Lunigiana 3), 7,397 in Lucca (219 more), 11,080 in Pisa (342 more), 5,622 in Livorno (162 more), 7,727 in Arezzo (259 more), 3,387 in Siena (104 more), 2,633 in Grosseto (158 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions.

Therefore, there are 1,045 cases found today in the Central Local Health Authority, 1,087 in the Northwest, 521 in the Southeast.

Tuscany ranks eighth in Italy in terms of the number of cases (including residents and non-residents), with around 2,129 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (the Italian average is 1,896 x 100,000, yesterday’s figure). The notification provinces with the highest rate are Prato with 2,715 cases x 100,000 inhabitants, Pisa with 2,644, Massa Carrara with 2,361, and Grosseto the lowest with 1,188.

In total, 50,300 people are isolated at home, as they have mild symptoms that do not require hospital care or do not have symptoms (1,184 more than yesterday, 2.4% more). 43,084 (824 less than yesterday, less 1.9%) are people, also isolated, under active surveillance because they have had contact with infected people (ASL Centro 14,553, Northwest 17,683, Southeast 10,848).

The people hospitalized in the beds dedicated to COVID patients today are a total of 2,008 (63 more than yesterday, more 3.2%), 274 in intensive care (8 more than yesterday, more 3%).

The total number of people cured is 25,216 (1,362 more than yesterday, plus 5.7%): 1,666 people clinically cured (111 more than yesterday, plus 7.1%), that is, they were asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with infection and 23,550 (1,251 more than yesterday, plus 5.6%) declared cured in all aspects, the so-called viral cures, with double negative swab.

Today there are 44 new deaths: 26 men and 18 women with an average age of 84.7 years.

Regarding the province of residence, the deceased are: 17 in Florence, 4 in Prato, 8 in Pistoia, 4 in Massa-Carrara (71-year-old man, 86-year-old man, 78-year-old man and 94-year-old woman), 1 in Lucca, 5 in Pisa, 3 in Livorno, 2 in Arezzo. It is reiterated that in any case it will be the responsibility of the Higher Institute of Health to definitively attribute the deaths to the coronavirus: in fact they could be people who already had concomitant pathologies.

1,879 died since the beginning of the epidemic as follows: 687 in Florence, 107 in Prato, 149 in Pistoia, 231 in Massa Carrara, 195 in Lucca, 183 in Pisa, 121 in Livorno, 100 in Arezzo, 52 in Siena, 37 In Grosseto, 17 people died on Tuscan soil but were residents outside the region.

Tuscany’s crude death rate (number of deaths / resident population) for Covid-19 is 50.4 x 100,000 residents against 74.0 x 100,000 for the Italian average (11th region). Regarding the provinces, the highest mortality rate is found in Massa Carrara (118.5 x 100,000), Florence (67.9 x 100,000) and Pistoia (50.9 x 100,000), the lowest in Grosseto (16.7 x 100 000).

Regarding hospitalizations for “Covid-19”, in the hospitals of the Northwest Tuscany company there are a total of 506 (yesterday there were 481), of which 66 (yesterday there were 64) in intensive care. In Livorno hospital 115 patients, of which 13 in intensive care. In the Lucca hospital 105 hospitalized, of which 17 in intensive care. In the Apuane hospital 104 hospitalized (stable compared to yesterday), of which 16 in intensive care (stable). 98 patients at the Versilia hospital, 11 of whom were in intensive care. In the Pontedera hospital, 47 were hospitalized, of which 5 were in intensive care. In Cecina hospital 23 patients, 4 of them in intensive care. In Pontremoli hospital 14 patients (stable).

Finally, based on daily monitoring, in the entire territory of the USL Tuscany North West Company, to date (November 15) there are 17,683 (+899 compared to yesterday) people in quarantine for having had contact with infected people.
