Coronavirus infections remain high in the province of Piacenza: 35 new cases of which 14 are symptomatic. An escalation that has not shown a decline since October 1: 230 new positives in 9 days.
REGION – In the region, out of more than 10,700 swabs, there are 276 new positive cases, of which 126 are asymptomatic due to regional detection and contact tracing activities. +90 cured, regional transmission index RT equal to 0.84 (1.06 the national average). More than 2,800 serological tests were also performed. Active cases thus amount to 5,609 (+185), of which around 95% with mild symptoms in isolation at home. There is also a new death in the province of Ferrara, bringing the regional total to 4,493. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, 36,914 positive cases have been recorded in Emilia-Romagna.
PIACENZA – Regarding Piacenza and its province, 18 of the 35 new positives were identified by contact tracing, 4 by swabs in the emergency room, 7 by symptoms, 2 by swabs in hospital wards, 1 detection at the residence of Cra, 1 imported from abroad (Ukraine). Finally, on day 2, investigations are being carried out on the origin of the contagion.
INDEX RT – The RT transmission rate in Emilia-Romagna is less than one: 0.84 compared to the national average of 1.06. The average age of new positives today is 42.9 years.
INSULATION OF THE HOUSE – People isolated at home, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, add up to a total of 5,369 (+190 compared to yesterday), around 95% of active cases. There are 14 patients in intensive care (+1 compared to yesterday), while the number of hospitalized in other rooms of the Covid falls: 226 (-6).
CURES – The total of people cured amounted to 26,812 (+90 compared to yesterday): 7 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 26,805 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two tests consecutive.
PROVINCE BY PROVINCE – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which do not refer to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 5,275 in Piacenza (+35, of which 14 symptomatic), 4,459 in Parma ( +28, out of 13 of them symptomatic), 5,993 in Reggio Emilia (+48, of which 31 symptomatic), 5,138 in Modena (+52, of which 28 symptomatic), 6,623 in Bologna (+29, of which 20 symptomatic); 597 cases in Imola (+2, of which 1 symptomatic), 1,515 in Ferrara (+26, of which 5 symptomatic); 1,880 in Ravenna (+11, of which 7 symptomatic), 1,492 in Forlì (+20, of which 13 symptomatic), 1,192 in Cesena (+9, of which 7 symptomatic) and 2,750 in Rimini (+16, of of which 11 symptomatic).
“Today we are among the least affected Italian regions – explained the regional health adviser, Raffaele donini, at a press conference via Facebook -, with a ratio of 2.5% between the number of positive cases and the swabs performed. Almost all the positive aspects are in the home or in the reception facilities of the hotel – continued the commissioner -. We mainly have outbreaks of a family type, some sporadic cases of outbreaks in productive situations but not specific to product sectors. Some cases of positivity returning from abroad and someone else at RSA, discovered thanks to screening. An important piece of information to contain the spread of the virus is that 50% of the positives in Emilia-Romagna are already isolated when the positivity is discovered. “
Speaking of schools, Donini reported some data: “To date we have 460 cases (400 students, mainly high school and university students and 60 Ata teachers and staff) in 340 schools with at least one episode of positivity.”
“The actions we are taking to counteract the new peak are three – Donini concluded -: the
ability to test with nasopharyngeal swabs (with an average of 10,000 per day, compared to less than 3,000 in March), with serological tests (about 2,000 per day) and contact tracing. “
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