There are 27,354 new cases of coronavirus verified in 24 hours in our country, compared to 34 thousand yesterday. However, as happens every Monday, tampons152,663 were carried out, while yesterday there were 195 thousand. Therefore, to read the data you must look at the positivity rate, once again in slight increase: the relationship between positives and tests carried out goes from 17% to 17.91%. The situation does not change if we consider only the newly tested cases (thus excluding the control swabs, about 60 thousand of the total): the index is equal to 30.71%. The bulletin of the Ministry of Health then talks about others 504 deaths it happened within a day due to Covid. +489 hospitalized patients in Hospitalwhile another 70 ended in intensive care.
I Beds employees in the country’s health structures reach 32,536, of which 7,901 only in Lombardy and 5,074 in Piedmont. There are 3,492 citizens for whom hospitalization in intensive care is required, One in every four is located in Lombardy. The positive news comes from the number of cured: in one day they were Discharged of hospitals or 21,554 patients with Covid no longer show symptoms. A record. People currently positive on the other hand amount to 717,784, of which 681,756 in isolation at home. Infections since the start of the pandemic exceed 1,200,000, while the total number of deaths is 45,733.
Looking at the individual Regions, in Lombardy 4,128 daily infections were found against 18,000 tampons. 99 the dead. They follow the Piedmont, with another 3,476 cases, and the Campania (+4,079). Emilia romagna, Lazio me Tuscany there are around 2,500 infections, while in Sicily 1,461 additional infections were recorded. +1.044 inch Apulia, only 365 in Liguria (after more than 800 yesterday). Numbers going up Abruzzo, struggling with 642 new cases, while they are in sharp decline in Market and in Umbria: both are over 280 with half the swabs compared to yesterday. The situation remains problematic in Bolzano province (+544), as well as Friuli Venezia Giulia (+456). 411 new cases in Sardinia, 297 in Calabria. Trento, Basilicata me Molise stop below 200 infections, while the only Region with less than 100 daily infections today is the Aosta Valley (+99). The relationship between positive and analyzed cases is still very high in Alto Adige, where it is close to 64.8%, as well as in Umbria (63.17%). It also exceeds 50% in Lombardy (56.6%) and Veneto (55.5%).
Compared to the last weeks, the infections registered today throughout Italy no longer increase exponentially. Seven days ago there were 25,271 cases, 2,000 less than the 27,354 today. Two weeks ago they were 22,253, while at the end of October they stood at 17,012. the slowing down the curve in some Regions: Tuscany, Lombardy, Piedmont and the province of Trento seem to have reached the plateau, while Veneto, Alto Adige and Campania practically reached the peak of cases.