Coronavirus, 2,578 new cases and another 18 deaths in Italy | Towards the obligation of an outdoor mask throughout Italy


Coronavirus, here is the situation of infections in Italy

The intention to expand the mask requirement. The entire national territory emerged from the meeting held in Palazzo Chigi between Giuseppe Conte, the majority heads of delegation, Minister Francesco Boccia and Undersecretary Riccardo Fraccaro. The orientation would be in favor of the proposal of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, to introduce the obligation to stop the increase in infections. Government sources explain, however, that the decision will be made only after a confrontation with Parliament: Hope will report to the Houses on Tuesday and then the government will adopt the Dpcm with the new measures.

Hypothesis of stopping “lighter” rules for the Regions – Another hypothesis that the executive is considering would be the prohibition of the Regions adopting less restrictive anti-pollution regulations than those of the government. The squeeze could always come with the new anti-Covid measures, expected this week: the idea is to allow governors to adopt their own provisions, but only if they are more restrictive than national ones and instead prohibit the introduction of “lighter” ones. as happened in the summer with the discos.

In Campania the largest number of cases – The total of discharged and cured now amounts to 231,914, while the total of infected since the beginning of the emergency amounts to 325,329. No region recorded zero cases: the highest increase was recorded in Campania (+412), followed by Lombardy (+314) and Veneto (+261).

The new Dpcm – The government will present the new Dpcm on Monday at the CDM. Then the passage of Minister Speranza in Parliament and on Wednesday the signature of the prime minister, who warns from Assisi: “The enemy has not yet been defeated, we are aware that we cannot disperse the sacrifices made.” A warning that confirms the experts’ intentions for further link crunch.

Close in sight – The technical-scientific committee indicates its line: contingency of presence at private parties and on the occasion of events and ceremonies. According to scientists, to avoid a significant increase in contagion and the need for a generalized closure, a progressive restriction of measures will be necessary in the fall season: to start with a squeeze of nightlife in the first hours of the premises closing until a significant increase in controls, in addition to the obligation to wear a mask outdoors.

Intensive terapie – Instead, 303 people are hospitalized in intensive care. The rise in the last 24 hours is 6 units. Those hospitalized with symptoms are 3,287 (82 more than yesterday) while the people in home isolation are 53,839 (yesterday they were 52,064).

ASL Latin: “Exit only if necessary” – The new positives in the last 24 hours in the territory of the Latin ASL are 73, distributed in 20 different municipalities. You learn from ASL management. “It is a worrying increase – comments the general director of the ASL Giorgio Casati – At this moment, until there is a clear image, I invite you to leave only in case of need and to avoid unnecessary exits.” From the ASL they explain that however there is no “specific cluster”.
