Coronavirus, 216 new cases out of 3,789 swabs: slight increase in hospital patients


Genoa. There are 216 more positive cases of coronavirus than yesterday recorded in today’s Alisa / Regione bulletin for the Ministry of Health. The data refers to a total of 3789 swabs performed and therefore the positivity rate stands at 5.7%, a good percentage even compared to the last few days.

There are 3,059 so-called quick swabs performed in the last 24 hours, a sign that the clinics are still operating at full capacity (there will be a break, for some of them, during the holidays between Christmas and Epiphany)

There is a slight reversal of the trend, which could cause concern, in the number of hospitalized patients, which increases by 7 units compared to yesterday (765 in total in Ligurian hospitals). The positive aspect is that intensive care decreases, in total 65, 5 less than yesterday.

The death toll is still in double digits, 16 people killed by the covid and recorded by today’s bulletin. These are patients who died between December 13 and 19. To find out if there were no victims during the weekend or if they have not yet been communicated to Alisa.

270 people recovered, 5703 people in home isolation, 127 less than yesterday. There are 5,952 subjects under active surveillance.
