Coronavirus, 198 positive (but with half swabs). Hospitalizations continue to grow, 3 deaths


Milan, September 6, 2020 – Sono 198 new positives registered in Lombardy in the last 24 hours. The figure has almost halved compared to yesterday when new infections were 388, but it must also be read in light of the number of tampons. Today there are 12,117 swabs processed, compared to 23,409 yesterday. From this comparison it follows that the The buffers / positives ratio is basically stable, at 1.63%, on Saturday 1.65%. In total, 1,707,042 smears made in the region since the beginning of the Covid-19 emergency. On the rise i deceased daily, today 3 (yesterday only one), for a total of 16,880 deaths. Special attention is paid to the front of the hospital. They grow in 86 i healed / discharged (76,794, of which 1,316 were discharged and 75,478 recovered) but intensive care increased by two (25) and 3 other admissions (248).

Data for Sunday, September 6

Data from regions

Going to territorial scanning of new cases always comes first the province of milan, with 86 cases (51 in the city of Milan). They follow Brescia (28) e Monza and Brianza (twenty-one). A Varese 11 new positives in the last 24 hours. In the other provinces, single-digit increases: +8 to Bergamo me Cremona, + 7 to Mantua. 3 year increase How me Lecco, 2 in Sondrio. Only one new case a day Pavia me I gave it.

In Italy 1,297 cases (but with 30 thousand fewer tampons)

In Italy me new cases of positivity for coronavirus In the last 24 hours they were 1,297, 389 less than the 1,695 of yesterday. This is what we read in the bulletin of the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection. Therefore, the total number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic amounts to 277,634. In the last 24 hours, eight people have died (yesterday there were 16), bringing the total number of victims in Italy to 35,542. The total discharged / cured is 210,015 (+405), while the total current positives is 32,078 (+884). Currently 1,683 people are hospitalized with symptoms, 133 of them in intensive care, while 30,262 people are in home isolation.

The most affected regions

The regions where the highest number of new cases were detected are Lombardy (198 with 12,117 swabs, the highest number nationally), Veneto (179 with 9,465 swabs), Emilia Romagna (124 with 10,232 swabs), Lazio and Campania (122 respectively 10,786 and 5427 swabs). Valle D’Aosta is the only region where no new cases have been detected in the last 24 hours. In intensive care, Lombardy (25) ranks first in hospitalizations, followed by Emilia-Romagna (14), Sicily (13), Veneto (12) and Lazio (10). For the other hospitalizations, first Lazio (355), second Lombardy (238), then Campania (221) and Puglia (155). (All data region by region / TABLE)
