BOLZANO. There are still 11 victims of Covid in South Tyrol. At the provincial level to date (December 16), a total of 339,622 smears have been made on 156,374 people.
The numbers in brief:
PCR test:
Swabs made yesterday (December 15): 2,541
New cases that tested positive by PCR: 285
Number of people who tested positive by PCR for coronavirus: 27,225
Total number of swabs performed: 339,622
Number of people subjected to the PCR test: 156,374 (+519)
Antigenic test:
antigenic tests performed yesterday: 3,383
Number of people who tested positive for antigens: 103
Other data:
Covid-19 patients admitted to normal hospital wards: 203
Covid-19 patients admitted to affiliated private facilities: 145
Covid-19 patients in isolation at the Colle Isarco and Sarnes facilities: 26 (18 in Colle Isarco and 8 in Sarnes)
Number of Covid patients admitted to intensive care units: 22
Total deaths (including nursing homes): 668 (+11)
People in home isolation: 5,894
People who have completed quarantine and home isolation: 61,085
People who have so far been imposed mandatory quarantine or isolation measures: 66,979
People healed: 15,903 (+250). To these are added 1,462 (+2) people who underwent a test with an uncertain or unclear result and who subsequently came back negative. Total: 17,365 (+252)
Collaborators / collaborators of the Health Authority positive to the test: 1,218, of these 780 recovered. General practitioners and pediatricians of free choice: 37, of these 26 recovered (as of 05.12.)