Coronavirus, 10 other elderly people and a positive oss in the retirement home


Unsurprisingly, new swabs performed in recent days among Boari di Alfonsine foster home patients and operators have found 10 additional positive cases, all among older guests, and from one additional observation. The general conditions of patients continue to be constantly monitored by health personnel.

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“Currently we do not know anyone who is particularly critical – explains Mayor Riccardo Graziani- but we must take into account what was also said on Tuesday: the demographic factor and the presence of other diseases can always lead to a sudden worsening. reason, if necessary, guests are transported to the hospital for control. Starting Thursday, there will also be a four-hour infectious disease doctor at the facility, in addition to staff already present. Without contagion, however, among the guests of the Verlicchi day center in the process of swabbing (there is still someone who will do it in the next few hours) “.
