Coronairus, curfew in Genoa: prohibitions and restrictions


He had anticipated it on Monday, and on Tuesday the signature arrived: Marco Bucci has in fact instituted a curfew in Genoa from 21 to 6, establishing a series of restrictive rules and measures in force overnight to control the multiplication of infections by coronavirus that, of the first 4 high-care areas, has now spread throughout the city.

The new ordinance remains in force until November 23, one day before the expiration of the Prime Minister’s Decree of October 24 with which Prime Minister Conte sanctioned the closure of bars and restaurants at 6:00 p.m. and of gyms and swimming pools. In Genoa, the nerve center of the pandemic in Liguria, Mayor Bucci has adopted a stricter ordinance, according to the guaranteed competition in the new dpcm, to try to further narrow the domain around a contagion that, according to code tracking postal start-up, grows throughout the city.

Curfew from 9pm to 6am, what can be done

Restaurants and bars close at 18 due to the new dpcm, from 21 to 6 in Genoa it will be possible to move to and from home and from legitimately open shops.

Displacements determined by “proven work needs” are always allowed, for individual sports or motor activities, for situations of need or health reasons.

However, there are no limitations for those who travel by car and motorcycle.

Curfew in Genoa, do you need self-certification?

To date there is no self-certification to drive at night, but both gatherings and aimless walks are strictly prohibited, precisely to prevent the dreaded gatherings from forming.

“With this measure we try to protect the health of the Genoese as much as possible, avoiding gatherings in the street, in the squares, in the gardens -explained Bucci- We live in a difficult situation and we all must understand that every action we take can have consequences (positive if we observe the rules or negative if we don’t) for our health, that of our relatives and our friends ».

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