Copa América, is 6-3, race 10 canceled – Sport


Challenge number 10 between Luna Rossa and Te Rehutai, the final of the America’s Cup sailing, has been canceled. There was a fall of wind, for the organizers there are no conditions to do the race and especially to complete it in 45 minutes. So everyone home, see you tomorrow.

The New Zealand team won race 9 at the end of an exciting competition and went 6-3 against Luna Rossa in the America’s Cup final. New Zealand is now one step away from winning the America’s Cup. If you manage to win the next round, the trophy is yours. Luna Rossa had started very well, with a very aggressive racing behavior, the two boats were paired up to the fifth gate, then Te Rehutai took over and completed the result. “We are proud of what we have done. We have not managed to catch all the changes in the wind, but we are already thinking about the next one. We continue fighting, but we do not give up, we are waiting for the next race.” commented Luna Rossa’s helmsman, Francesco Bruni. “We fought a lot, we did it very well, we overlapped them so they couldn’t jibe, we managed to reach the mark on a very tight corner. For us it was a wonderful race, I do not regret it or reproach myself. We will continue to be aggressive., Elbow ”. “We did a great job, we never gave up,” said Peter Burling, the New Zealanders’ helmsman. We are approaching the limits. It was good going to Camp C, we came back here and we loved it. Communication in a tactical race like this is essential, we check the other boat. We have to continue learning from each regatta, we are missing one point: we will fight until it is necessary to take the trophy home with us. It was a battle. the many fans who are here. “

The wind picked up and finally Luna Rossa and Te Rehutai left for their ninth challenge in this final of the Copa América. Luna Rossa starts well.
Even today, thousands of spectators frame the battle at sea between the two ships. The regattas take place on circuit C, the closest to the coast. In the Hauraki Gulf, hundreds of boats of all kinds surround the competition area to closely observe the race.
The New Zealand team has a chance to win the trophy, winning both races and taking 7-3 on the Prada Pirelli team boat.

The start of race 9 has been postponed 15 minutes, on the sixth day of the America’s Cup final between Luna Rossa and Te Rehutai, in corso mare di Auckland (New Zealand). There is little wind, around 6 knots and you have to wait for it to rise to at least 6.5 knots, for 5 consecutive minutes. Even today, except for meteorological whims, two races are scheduled, race 9 and race 10. The best of 13 races is achieved: the first to win seven wins the cup.
