While the government is divided over the closing of Christmas, the meetings in the big cities and the exodus before the holidays worry executives and experts. Based on the latest anti-Covid measures included in the Christmas Dpcm of December 3, this week, from December 13 to 20, is the last useful window to be able to move between different Regions, before the movement block is established until January 7th. In particular, the December 18, 19 and 20 they run the risk of being red dot days, also in light of the corridor created by the passage of several Regions in the yellow zone, and the consequent possibility of moving without self-certification.
More than 15 thousand agents at the stations
Attention, especially that of the Ministry of the Interior, remains high. The Ministry of the Interior, with a circular sent to the prefects, had already issued the line in recent weeks, preparing the guidelines that will be put in place to monitor and summon people in situations considered to be of greater risk of meeting. And this is how it goes 15 thousand Law enforcement officers will be stationed at various stations sensitive, such as Milano Centrale and Roma Termini, to better target passenger flows, while on the road network a capillary presence of control on the main arteries that connect the country. Not only. Drones and helicopters will be used to monitor the situation from above.
New ordinances ready
Even in the cities there will be countermeasures to try to keep the flow of people under control and avoid the meetings that took place last weekend. Second The Republic, the mayors of cities such as Bologna, Naples, Turin and Florence are considering restrictive and control orders. In Palermo, the ban on parking in the middle of the city was decided. In large cities, the use of people counters near the gates of historic centers and the creation of one-way pedestrian paths are being evaluated, particularly in commercial areas and near bars and restaurants.
To know:
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