Phase two of the Covid emergency cannot be approached as phase one. We must protect people’s health, but also the economy. However, the contagion curve is worrying, the figures are serious and, therefore, it was urgent to intervene. And act immediately, to avoid a new generalized blockade. The first Minister, Giuseppe Conte, spoke with Italians on TV presenting the measures of the new Dpcm on the Covid emergency. We must commit ourselves, the situation is critical, the government is there – stressed the head of government – but everyone must do their part and together we will overcome this difficult moment.
The prime minister pointed out that the new Dpcm was the result of an intense dialogue between the majority but also with the Regions, local authorities and the CTS. Before taking the floor, he informed both the presidents of the two chambers and the opposition leaders about the measures. And he summarized in a slogan the philosophy with which he would like to involve institutions at all levels: collaborate, collaborate, collaborate. But just a few minutes after the end of the speech, the first critical institutional voice arrived, that of the mayor of Bari and president of Anci. Antonio Decaro, which accused the government of blaming one of the main measures envisaged by the decree, namely the creation of no-go zones in cities by mayors: in difficult times, institutions assume responsibilities that they do not transfer to other institutions with those who should faithfully cooperate. Mayors are used to assuming their responsibilities. We would like all institutions to do the same.
Cont recognized that the measures envisaged in some sectors could cause economic losses for entrepreneurs and operatorsbut the government is committed to restoring them, albeit selectively and not widely, as happened last spring. The Dpcm affects some activities – admitted the premier – and we must prepare to give a snack. There are several billion for this, but what we cannot afford are donations. For this reason, a detailed analysis will be done to understand who needs help and support.
The prime minister later reiterated his willingness to increase it. smart work in the public sector – where it was immediately established that all meetings in the public administration will be held remotely – with an ad hoc provision that the Minister of Public Service is working on Fabiana Dadone. From now on, all meetings in the public administration will be remote.
At the urging of reporters, Conte also spoke about the possible use of funds from the Me, he European stability mechanism, remembering that they are loans and that they cannot finance additional expenses but only expenses already incurred and that in any case they increase public debt. Basically: if we take them, I will have to intervene with taxes and cuts because I have to keep the debt under control. For this reason, he pointed out, dozens of European countries, including Italy, have made use of Sure funds but none of the Mes. In summary: The Month is not a panacea, as it is represented. I have no ideological prejudice about the ESM – he added – but it makes no sense to take the ESM as a solution to a dispute in the public debate.
Beyond individual measures, in any case, the head of government has invited the entire population to adopt the utmost caution in interpersonal relationships: the most effective measures remain basic precautions: mask, spacing and hand hygiene. We pay attention in situations where we let our guard down, with family and friends. In these situations, the utmost caution is required.
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October 18, 2020 (change October 18, 2020 | 22:21)