“No there prescription, yes to culture ”. It is not known why the two things are alternatives, but Matteo renzi repeat that phrase two, three, four times. The leader of Alive italy practically makes it the motto of his Recovery plan alternative. Yes, because after weeks of threats, slander and complaints, Renzi is not satisfied with some amendments to modify the next generation of the EU drawn up by the Giuseppe Conte government. No, the leader of the small party in Italy directly presented his own plan. “If there is agreement on this property, continue. If there is no agreement it is obvious that they will manage without us and the the ministers will resign. We are not looking for seats but ideas ”, is the latest threat from the former prime minister to his successor. One way to raise the stakes once again, given that in addition to the control room in Recovery and Mes, now Renzi is also asking for much more. But it is not yet a final ultimatum. The living leader of Italy attacked the Recovery plan by Conte, the 5 star movement, and also a series of measures taken by the government in previous months, such as the Basic income or the reform of the limitation period, which, however, have nothing to do with the management of European funds. Or if they have something to do with it, as in the case of judicial reform, it is only because Europe has asked for it. But let’s go in order.
The Hello plan – The head of Alive italy He had brought journalists together in the Senate to talk about the recovery, but it was clear that this would be yet another blackmail attempt by the government. Renzi presented the journalists with a kind of Recovery of Italy alive, only partially alternative to that of the executive. They called it, with little imagination, Ciao, as the mascot of the 1990 World Cup. “The Ciao project unites Culture, Infrastructure, Environment, Opportunity. The red thread is the word work. We believe that we can create thousands of jobs, “says Renzi, explaining that” on Wednesday morning Minister Gualtieri will host the delegation of Iv: group leaders will go Pharaoh me Forest and Ministers Bonetti and Bellanova. With this delegation we will present 61 points on which we currently do not agree on the 103 pages of Next generation Eu. I say ‘for now’ because I will ask the parliamentarians of IV to indicate any suggestions ”.
“We touched the neck bone” – The former secretary of the Democratic Party takes several minutes to praise the roughly 200 billion arriving from Brussels. “Recovery is a plan comparable to Marshall PlanNobody has invested as much money in our country as Europe at this time. THE the sovereigns have been defeated. The key point is: now or never. Because the purchasing power we have now will not have it for the next thirty years. There is only one thing worse than not having this money: spending it badly, because if you spend it badly, the debt strangles you. There are the virus deniers and the public debt deniers, ”is his long introduction. Then come the negative notes: “I would like to underline the insistence with which we are asking to talk about content. It is not a partisan issue against the Prime Minister. We are playing it neck bone. We will never have this money again, or spend it well or hang ourselves. It is not a game, it is not a fiction or a soap opera. We play everything. “And since that afternoon Nicola Zingaretti had branded as “gossip” the alleged defamation within the Democratic Party for the management of funds, Renzi says that instead the comparison requested by Italia viva “is not quackery.”
Attacks on justice: “No to manipulation and prescription” – He then went on to bomb the plan drawn up by the government. If at first the lively head of Italy had opened the crisis by saying that he was against the creation of a working group of experts for the management of European funds, today he has raised the stakes a lot. “We believe that the plan prepared by the Prime Minister is missing ambitionto be fiend, we see that there is not a single hand that writes. It is a sometimes patched collage of pieces from different ministries. You see the hand bureaucratic of those who put the pieces together. “What pieces is the former head of the Democratic Party talking about?” The document says that poverty with citizen income has dropped from 7 to 6.4%: to combat poverty, no slogans are needed , you do not need citizen income, you need culture, vaccines and infrastructure ”, explains the first prime minister, who also has it with the part dedicated to justice.“ No to manectarianism and to justicialism Cinquestellista, on which the recovery plan drawn up by the government is based ”, he repeats continuously. “This plan is impregnated with justicialist Cinquestellism at the time we talk about prescription. We start from culture: no to the second-hand manipulation of some members of this coalition ”. Indeed, if part of the Recovery is devoted to justice, it is only because the European Union has asked Member States to use the funds earmarked for the most urgent reforms. Which are obviously different for each state: for Italy it is known that a reform of the process a long time ago. And above all that quick justice is a guarantee for future investments. This, however, Renzi pretends not to know.
The insistence on the ESM: “Less conditions for recovery” –For the rest Recovery made in Italia alive, according to its leader, it is a mixture of already known requests. First of all: the Month. “The Month for health, at this point we are not going to go back – says Renzi – The money from the Recovery Fund is more conditioned than those of the Month. Today there are 273 dead doctors, I am ashamed that we are still discussing the 36 billion of the Month ”. Second: the infrastructure. “The Bridge of Genoa was a great success. In the plan there are 27 billion infrastructures that could be unlocked that are stopped. Even in High Speed we do not rule out anyone. Then there is the issue of Bridge over the Strait that it cannot stay at the level because it has a longer period of time but it has a much smoother and easier range of action ”. Then the leader of IV made random requests: “There are 19 billion in schools, universities and research: we propose to double the figure in human capital. Italy must run to take the place of the British in the Erasmus appeal – we tell Pd, M5s and Leu to focus on cultural rights give citizenship to university students who will come to study in Italy ”. Regarding the money, he then made a kind of shopping list: “Let’s imagine that the 9 billion we save on health expenses goes to culture and tourism, with local authorities that are not there. Of the 9 billion that we imagine, there is at least 6 billion to deliver to Italian municipalities. We attribute a symbolic dowry to citizens of 100 euros, a municipality of 1,000 inhabitants will have 100,000 euros, to invest in a cultural site and an infrastructural recovery of assets attributed to culture and tourism. It is dramatic that there is no leading role for mayors in this plan. There is a devastating situation for hotels, for example ”.
“Conte entrusts the delegation to the services” – For the rest the Iv leader took advantage of this to relaunch a series of personal attacks against Conte, beginning with the delegation in secret services. “There is a law that says that the Prime Minister entrusts the delegation to a personality of clear importance to whom he entrusts the strategic task of managing l’intelligence, which is not anyone’s personal police. I think Conte should trust the delegation. Frankly I begin to not understand this resistance of the Prime Minister to assign the delegation. Reporters ask him what he thinks of the hypothesis of a Pd-M5s alliance and a tally list in case he returns to the polls early. “It seems very unlikely to me, given that in the event of a crisis, as is known, it is the responsibility of the President of the Republic to assess whether Parliament is capable of expressing a majority.” For the current one, the leader of Italia viva only has criticism, even on the programming of the budget law in the courtroom. “Today, December 28, the debate on the budget law begins in this House: technically it is a scandal that the budget law gives the Senate 48 hours.”