Conte’s amnesia in total block. So he betrays himself live – Il Tempo


Remember the whole premiere Giuseppe Conte, from the days before emergency shutdown national. The only exception is a “memory lapse” or the (missed) phone call to the opposition leaders Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini. The premier tells his version at the party Daily occurrence, interviewed by Antonio Padellaro and Peter Gomez (hereinafter and in this link the video of the interview).

Covid, Conte:

Videos on this topic

Conte defends the choice of total confinement: “This led to a complete alteration of the epidemiological curve during the night in a few hours. Then, after about 24 hours, evaluating in the light of the fact that occurred, with the full agreement of the Presidents of the Central and South regions, we decided that we should not wait any longer. The situation required a total blockade. The following day, March 10, the CTS meets and formalizes the full exchange. Sergio Mattarella, with all the ministers. “Total agreement, in the majority. Even if the CTS in the days in the minutes secreted and recently published by the Einaudi Foundation recommended a partial closure focused on the center-north and the most affected regions and provinces.

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Padellaro then asks him if he had shared the election with opposition leaders, Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni. Conte responds: “I made almost all the decisions with them. I confess, I don’t exactly remember the phone call to opposition leaders. I have made so many … “How strange, a memory lapse in that phone call despite the many calls to involve the opposition in decisions crucial to the destiny of the country …
