“Contempt for the weak can be hidden in populism and in the economic interests of the powerful”, the third encyclical of the Pope is the most political


No to populisms and anti-migrant policies. It is the heart of the message that French Pope He delivers it to the world in his third encyclical, All Brothers, this time dedicated to fraternity and social friendship. A document symbolically signed in Assisi, on the tomb of the saint whose name Bergoglio da Pontefice took, precisely because, like his previous encyclical, Laudato si ‘, it is inspired by the stigmatized friar. Brothers, everything is a synthesis of these eight years of Bergoglian pontificate. Francisco reflects extensively on the need for universal brotherhood, also in light of the recent pandemic which, however, he reiterates is not “a kind of divine punishment“But it is to politics that the Pope dedicates ample space in his document.” Contempt for the weak – writes Bergoglio – can be hidden in populist ways, which use them demagogically for their own ends, or in liberal ways in service. of the economic interests of the powerful. In both cases, it is difficult to think of an open world where there is room for everyone, which includes the weakest and respects different cultures “.

Bergoglio emphasizes that “there are popular leaders capable of interpreting the feelings of a people, its cultural dynamics and the great tendencies of a society. The service they provide, adding and guiding, can be the basis of a transformation project and lasting growth, which also implies the ability to give way to others in the search for the common good. But it degenerates into insane populism when it becomes someone’s ability to attract consensus to politically exploit the culture of the people, under any ideological sign, at the service of the personal project and the permanence in power. Other times he tries to accumulate popularity by encouraging the lower and more selfish inclinations of certain sectors of the population. This is aggravated when it becomes, in crude or subtle ways, a subjection of the institutions and of the legality ”.

In Fratelli tutti dominating is the theme of welcoming migrants. “It will never be said – writes the Pope – that they are not human, but in practice, with the decisions and the way of treating them, it is clear that they are considered of less value, less important, less human. It is unacceptable that Christians share this mentality and these attitudes, sometimes causing certain political preferences to prevail instead of deep convictions of their own faith: the inalienable dignity of every human person regardless of origin, color or religion, and the supreme law of the world. fraternal love “. For the Pontiff, in fact, “immigrants, if you help them to integrate, are a blessing, a wealth and a new gift that invites a society to grow”.

Therefore, Francis calls for “global legislation (governance) for migration”, aware that “States cannot develop adequate solutions by themselves”, to “establish medium and long-term projects that go beyond the response of emergency”. Bergoglio is also convinced that “for those who have already arrived some time ago and are part of the social fabric, it is important to apply the concept of ‘citizenship’, which is on equal rights and duties under whose shadow all enjoy justice. That is why it is necessary to commit ourselves to establishing in our societies the concept of full citizenship and to renounce the discriminatory use of the term minorities, which carries with it the seed of the feeling of isolation and inferiority; it prepares the ground for hostilities and discord and takes away the achievements and religious and civil rights of some citizens by discriminating against them ”.

For the Pope, especially for those fleeing serious humanitarian crises, it is necessary to “increase and simplify the granting of visas; adopt private and community advocacy programs; open humanitarian corridors for the most vulnerable refugees; offer adequate and dignified accommodation; guarantee personal safety and access to essential services; ensure adequate consular assistance, the right to always have personal identity documents with them, impartial access to justice, the possibility of opening bank accounts and the guarantee of what is necessary for life support; give them freedom of movement and the opportunity to work; protect minors and ensure that they have regular access to education; provide temporary custody or reception programs; guarantee religious freedom; promote their social integration; favor family reunification and prepare local communities for integration processes ”.

In his social encyclical, Bergoglio writes that “for many today politics is a dirty word, and it cannot be ignored that behind this fact there are many times errors, corruption, the inefficiency of some politicians. Added to this are the strategies that aim to weaken it, replace it with the economy or dominate it with some ideology. And yet, can the world function without politics? You can find an effective path to universal brotherhood and social peace without good politics?“And he adds:” The greatest concerns of a politician should not be those caused by a fall in investigations, but by not finding an effective solution to the phenomenon of social and economic exclusion, with its sad consequences of human trafficking, trade in human organs and tissues, sexual exploitation of boys and girls, slave labor, including prostitution, drug and arms trafficking, terrorism and international organized crime ”.

The Pope also has an important mea culpa: “Sometimes it saddens me that the Church has taken so long to vigorously condemn slavery and various forms of violence.. Today, with the development of spirituality and theology, we have no excuses. However, there are still those who feel motivated or at least empowered by their faith to support various forms of closed and violent nationalism, xenophobic attitudes, contempt and even mistreatment of different people. Faith, with the humanism it inspires, must keep a critical sense alive in the face of these trends and help to react quickly as they begin to creep in. Therefore, it is important that catechesis and preaching include more directly and clearly the social meaning of existence, the fraternal dimension of spirituality, the belief in the inalienable dignity of each person and the reasons for loving and welcoming everyone ”. For Francisco, in fact, “expressions of racism renew our shame, showing that the supposed progress of society is not so real and is not guaranteed once and for all.” Specifying that “racism is a virus that changes easily and instead of disappearing it hides, but is always on the prowl.”

The Pope also reiterates “that the Christian tradition has never recognized the right to private property as absolute or untouchable, and has highlighted the social function of any form of private property.” And he adds: “When we say that the modern world has reduced poverty, we do so by measuring it with criteria from other times that cannot be compared with current reality.” Bergoglio also points out that “the loneliness, fears and insecurity of so many people, who feel abandoned by the system, are creating fertile ground for the mafias. These in fact assert themselves as ‘protectors’ of the forgotten, often through various kinds of aid, as they pursue their goal. criminal interests. There is a typically mafia pedagogy that, with a false community spirit, creates bonds of dependency and subordination from which it is very difficult to break free ”.

Among those discarded, in addition to migrants, the elderly and the poor, Francis remembers the disabled whom he defines as “hidden exiles.” And about the feminine world he writes: “It is a fact that women who suffer from situations of exclusion, abuse and violence are doubly poor, because many times they are less likely to defend their rights.” And he adds: “The aberration has no limits when women are subjected, then forced to abort. An abominable act that even goes as far as kidnapping people to sell their organs“Specifying that,” just as it is unacceptable that a person has fewer rights as a woman, it is equally unacceptable that the place of birth or residence itself determines fewer opportunities for a dignified life and development. “

The Pope renews his call to abolish the payment of the debt of the poorest countries, reiterates the need for a land, a house and a job for all. It renews its firm no to war, even to what is defined as “just”: “With the money that goes to arms and other military expenses We created a global fund to finally eliminate hunger and for the development of the poorest countries, so that their inhabitants do not resort to violent or deceptive solutions and are not forced to leave their countries to seek a more dignified life ”. He also reiterates his no to life imprisonment and the death penalty, which he defines as “inadmissible.” And it renews its call against religious terrorism. “Every human being – concludes the Pope – has the right to live with dignity and to develop fully, and no country can deny it fundamental right. Everyone has it, even if it is inefficient, even if it was born or raised with limitations; in fact, this does not diminish his immense dignity as a human person, which is not based on circumstances but on the value of his being. When this elemental principle is not safeguarded, there is no future either for fraternity or for the survival of humanity ”.

Twitter: @FrancescoGrana

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