Rome, October 16, 2020 – Tonight the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte he spoke at the seventh edition of the Limes Festival, where he met with the president of the Liguria region, Giovanni Toti, and with the mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci. Then the prime minister was supposed to participate in a government summit at Palazzo Chigi where the maneuver and a new coronavirus squeeze would be discussed, but the meeting was updated for tomorrow morning, Saturday, at 10.
In Genoa, the prime minister was also received at the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa by the director of the geopolitical magazine Lucio Caracciolo, about whom he was interviewed on the role of Italy on the international chessboard animated by the competition between the United States and China. The meeting focuses on the West against and how Italy evaluates Europe and the West.
Avoid confinement
Conte clarified the issue of restrictions for Covid: “We must avoid confinement I am not saying that the wave is less dangerous, but that we have worked. We must face this wave with a different and new strategy, which no longer provides for a blockade.
EU vaccines
The President of the Council has assured: “The European Union finances the most important research and is in a position to guarantee several hundred million vaccines”. “It was a powerful investment, some groups are forecasting results for the end of November or December, we could have 200 or 300 million vaccines very soon. We will be able to flood our systems with vaccines and we have also taken care of purchasing them for the most fragile countries” .
Stressed healthcare systems
“Faced with a second wave that is involving many other countries, we are all concerned, because this second wave is stressing health systems and also economies and the social fabric. We are also tired. Our citizens are tired, they are already coming from a test very hard”. “Conte admitted, interviewed at the Festival de Limes.
We need a united EU
“When thinking seriously about a pandemic, it was easy for me to play with all the interlocutors, including the Dutch, representing that a strategic vision is needed, coordinated European action is needed or the destruction will affect everyone,” explained the premier. : “From a reformist perspective, decision-making processes must be accelerated, the restriction of unanimity on significant passages to the European Council runs the risk of being a problem.”
Regarding the Recovery Fund “in my opinion there is an awareness that we must close this negotiation” in the EU. “We must close this negotiation, this project must begin immediately, in January, especially in the face of a second wave that is involving many other countries,” replied the prime minister.
Delegate Merkel
“Yes, formally there was a request to represent our interests but everything was agreed, it was the practice,” the Prime Minister spoke about the news of a delegation to the Chancellor on some issues under discussion in the Council. “But it is news that has been given overwhelming emphasis. Yesterday we anticipated the topic of the pandemic, we covered almost everything, this morning there was a session dedicated to the relations between the African Union and the European Union.” This news, Conte added, “has received overwhelming emphasis.” The prime minister recalled that the delegation is a practice, since Angela Merkel is “also the current President.”
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