The first Minister Giuseppe Conte “He was plucked from academic obscurity in 2018 by a coalition of populist parties,” but today he faces “a series of threats that would upset even an experienced politician.” Thus the profile of Politician about the Italian prime minister, whom the influential Brussels newspaper assigns The first place in the category of “doers”, of politicians “who do”, within the list of 28 personalities most influential in the European Union. To accompany Conte in the ranking of the “protagonists of 2021” is also the leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni, who came third in the category of ‘disruptors’, that of the most subversive personalities on the European scene. First in the general classification is the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which “in the last ten and a half years has been a steady hand through a series of cataclysms, from the great recession to the eurozone crisis and Covid-19.”
The spender who stopped the first wave of Covid
Conte is dubbed by the European newspaper “the big spender” not only because of the future task of managing the Recovery Fund, but also because of the habit of “showing up at Board meetings at Maserati, only to emerge in a full neodandy and seek to flirt with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel“A behavior that at the European level” did not earn him any admirer before the Covid “, unlike what happened at home, where” Italians have become fond of their non-partisan prime minister. “Then” the coronavirus devastated Italy, but for Conte, at least politically, it was an advantage. “Italy blocked the first wave of Covid” no thanks to Europe, “Politico recalls today, and that allowed Conte” to take advantage of this burning moment of shame for the European blockade. “Circumstances that “In 2021 they could make him the most stabilizing leader in modern Italian history and claim a new era of fiscal unity for the EU, or bring it all down,” the newspaper predicts.
The subversive who wants to milk the EU cow
Meloni is, instead, “the new leader of the European extreme right” willing to “extend its capacity to destroy without self-destruction throughout the continent.” A skill that the leader of the Brothers of Italy “is using to challenge the former Minister of the Interior Matteo salvini“. The political line of the former youth minister arrives described as “a new third-way conservatism, more open to Europe (especially his money) than Salvini, but not as accommodating (or as scrawny) as his former mentor, Silvio BerlusconiHowever, the Brussels newspaper remembers Meloni, “the first woman to head a major political party in one of the most male-dominated political cultures in Europe.” The leader of the Italian Brothers “is delighted that Europe is a source of income, as long as there are no restrictions “and for this” it supports the veto of Hungary and Poland on aid that comes with too many conditions. “With his latest electoral results on the rise,” Meloni has warned the entire political spectrum Italian ”, concludes Politico, who assigns him a leadership role for next year.