“That is, in order not to give up the delegation to the services, are you leading us to an early vote?” This is the question that now bogs down the conversations of the Grillini MPs. The reference is obviously to the prime minister Giuseppe Conte which for months had been praised by the M5S.
Now, however, in recent weeks, the prime minister it no longer enjoys the same popularity among the pentastellati. In fact, in the house of the Cinquestelle there is a general malaise. “With the cut in parliamentarians and with the votes that we have reduced by half, going to the vote would be suicide for the 5 Star Movement,” he reveals to ilGiornale.it an executive grillino. “But then nobody believes the story of the early elections, but they have also postponed the elections in Calabria. It is obvious that we will never go to vote ”, confirms a pentastellato member of the government. Meanwhile, Conte’s operation of trying to be supported by a group of center-right leaders turned out to be a major hoax. “Once again we are forced to deny unfounded journalistic antecedents. The UDC does not participate in the political theater: we are not and will never be anyone’s crutch.”, declared yesterday Lorenzo Cesa, national secretary of the UDC. “Being responsible means, at home, being consistent with your ideas,” echoed Giovanni Toti, leader of Cambiamo, who added: “This government does not reflect ours. After reading some newspapers I repeat: out of seriousness and responsibility, let’s change! It will not support this government. Our country deserves more.” “So Conte would like to remove Renzi, to be supported by 15 senators who have no chief and who reason autonomously and independently? But who recommends these movements to you? It seems the movement of despair that cannot happen ”, confirms a leading source from this majority. And a grillino adds to the dose: “But does Conte really think that he will bring the majority of Berlusconians? I mean, he wants the M5S dead ”. And another pentastellato puts the tombstone to this hypothesis: “There are no perpetrators. Conte used this issue as a kind of ‘journalistic fantasy’ to try to scare Renzi, but this (failed) strategy has already been unmasked.”
At this point, the picture seems clear to everyone. “Conte does not want to give up the delegation to the services and Matteo renzi he has no intention of taking steps back in recovery ”, says a grillina source. Meanwhile there are two scenarios: reorganization with Prime Minister Conte or new political prime minister. “Yes, it is true that the rumor of a possible prime minister of the Democratic Party circulates. It is that to remain in the government many of my colleagues could even digest a name of the Democratic Party as prime minister, as long as it is not an expression of the old politics “, confides a grillino in his first term, who adds:” When it happens more from what we return to Parliament? “The same thing happens with many parliamentarians of the Democratic Party, given and considered that”Nicola Zingaretti he would make totally new lists and they too would stay out. It doesn’t suit anyone – concludes our grillina source – not to mention Italia Viva ”.
So who could replace Conte? The ‘Governissimo’ led by Mario Draghi seems a good hypothesis only to feed the speeches of mere ‘political fiction’. At present, ministers dem Dario Franceschini me Lorenzo Guerini They are the two names that are circulating the most in these hours to give life to a new government, supported by this same majority that, at least for the moment, still includes the Renzianos. “There would also be the name of a third premier who has been here for months, Marta Cartabia. Not bad, first female premier, very respectable curriculum ”, confirms a member of the majority. The engine of the crisis has already started and the objective is to preserve the legislature, also because “in the midst of the pandemic, how can a new vote be justified for Italians? Impossible, ”says an authorized member of the government.