L ‘early departure from work face to Matteo salvini, asked for less than 48 thousand people In the first six months of 2020, he leaves the scene. Pending modification of Security decrees, which will reach the “first useful council of ministers”, also that chapter ofyellow-green alliance next year is destined to close. This is confirmed by the Prime Minister. Giuseppe Conte who, talking to Economy festival from Trento, explains: “Quota 100 is a three-year reform project that came to offset a social illness. Renewal is not on the agenda ”. Conte – that in the case of the salary of Pasquale Tridico He said “I was not informed, I will speak after an in-depth study” – he also anticipated that in the first months of 2021 a project will arrive “upon entering the world of work linked to Basic income“On which” we were absolutely late. “I have already had two meetings with the competent ministers: we must Complete this other pole and we also need to reorganize some kind of network to offer a process of training and retraining to the workers. We must try to build a coordinated path ”.
“Among the reforms that await us, we can also work on that of pensions. We have to move around a table: for example make a strenuous job list I think it’s the best prospect, ”Conte explained. “We must have the courage to differentiate ourselves.” Going over 100, therefore, was a failure in numbers – according toParliamentary Budget Office the total number of requests will be about 246 thousand against the 300 thousand expected, and did not meet the expectations of the leader of the Northern League who stated that he would open many more places to Young people compared to those released by recent retirees. “The abolition of the Quota 100 is an important turning point,” comments the leader of Italia Viva on Facebook Matteo renziNot without a well-known controversy and a tail to poison: “After changing lines in Europe, we return to the seriousness of pensions and we still remedy the damage of the populist government. Next target: the Me“. While Salvini does not stop attacking:” They want to return to the law Fornero!?!?! The League will not allow it, I promise. You don’t mess with the sacrifices of millions of Italian workers. # forneromaipiù “.
“In 2021 we will transfer the income and work of the citizens” – Speaking of the period emergency shutdown, the prime minister claimed the importance of the income of citizenship desired by 5 star movement. “Fortunately, we had a measure of Social protection as the income of the citizen to which we add the emergency income ”, he stressed. “Of course they can always be improved in the implementation phase. In two years to bring such a complex measure to a social fabric presents structural criticalities It is not easy. “Therefore, 2021 could be a good year for the expected” second pillar “of the measure to fight poverty, the integration of the beneficiaries into the world of work. That is through the criticism Anpal and your browsers or with new tools. “We are still behind. I have already had two meetings with the competent ministers because we have to complete this other pole. In the first months of 2021 we will also be able to present this form of implementation, to cross it with the job offer ”. In parallel, “I control SThe income “and” cannot be the only measure, hence the Family act”That should meet the needs of families.
“In the recovery plan there are no countries ahead” – It is inevitable to return to the topic of the plan for the use of Soldi of the Recovery Fund. Tito Boeri, patron of the festival, complained that “we have already lost time” and “we had to put new people in the AP, competitionsbring new life blood. “” Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a situation dissociated in which in the international situation our work is appreciated and in Italy we have questions ‘when does the government fall?’ Conte replied. “We have to be a little more respectful and love us like Italians. They are not beauty pageants. I don’t know that there are countries ahead of us. with the recovery fund “. And above all” is theEU that asked us for guidelines and not the projects. I do not agree with saying that the work of the Colao commission, eight days of confrontation with 122 social agents, organizations and productive parties, is a facade: for me, confrontation is fundamental ”. The Recovery plan “will certainly not be made up of the six hundred published projects whose dissemination we already have. reported to the prosecutor. We can’t afford projects parceled out: we will add the individual projects that will be in much smaller numbers and it will provide a vision of the country, in line with EU guidelines. “In order not to waste European funds,” everything will change: we will have one dedicated regulatory structure the Recovery plan, which will allow us to identify ad hoc issues and a path that will allow us to monitor implementation. Wait to judge ”.
At school “we have done a lot. All the substitutes at 14? In fairy tales “ – With Boeri there was a moment of nervousness when the economist said that the measures taken by the government to restart the school and the lessons were inadequate. “I would like to mention that during the confinement we distributed electronic devices for all students, we invested more than 100 million only in computer equipment. Professor Boeri believe me, you I certainly would have done better but we have done a lot, if you want I can send you the card on time. “And again:” I do not know your experience, dear Professor Boeri, which may have been different from mine, but I have all high school with substitutes no earlier than December. Even in January or February. This year we have placed 40,000 substitutes and another 40,000 will arrive in October. Asking for the presence in the role of all the substitutes on the 14th is like living in the world of fairy tales. The school is a serious problem in which we have invested 7 billion, we have digitized all the rankings and it is the first time that the ranking system has been managed with much more transparency than in the past. I would say that a lack of commitment cannot really be attributed to Minister Azzolina ”.
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Quota 100, Conte: “The renovation is not on the agenda, it was a three-year project”