“No mystery. The rule on the decriminalization of non-payment of the Council tax I wanted it, after a hearing in Parliament, and I asked my offices to write it down. “Thus, the Minister of Heritage and Cultural Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini, comes out of the closet and demands the regulation of the relaunch that changed the discipline of the tourist tax. Standard defined by several parts ad personam since, retroactively, it benefited only Cesare Paladino, Roman entrepreneur at the head of an important group that, among other things, owns the prestigious Grand Hotel Plaza From Rome. And the Olivia Paladino’s father, girlfriend of the prime minister Giuseppe Conte.
Well, the author is Franceschini who points out that “many majority and opposition parliamentary groups, the Regions, trade associations, and I had it prepared and presented it as correct.” However, argues the dem, it is not about “there are no rules ‘except for in-laws’ or phantom hands of Palazzo Chigi, the rule was born in the offices of Mibact because it is a fair rule and the prime minister did not know it before. brought to the Council of Ministers, as I did not know about the Plaza affair. The mystery, if anything, is how we can continue to give feedback behind the scenes when we have explained over and over again how things were. “
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Yes, although those who have presented questions in this regard, such as the deputy of IV, Michele Anzaldi, still not entirely satisfied with the explanations. “Thanks to my question, finally after 7 months of silence and opacity there is a minister who publicly demands the law that has decriminalized the non-payment of the tourist tax”, declares Anzaldi who recognizes Franceschini the merit of putting his face on it. Ma ”remains the mystery and strangeness of retroactive application of the rule decided by a judge in Rome for the owner of the Gran Hotel Plaza in Rome, unlike what was decided in other courts and even what was decreed by the Cassation, according to which the rule cannot be retroactive. Doubts also expressed by Minister Franceschini, according to whom “the measure was inserted looking at the present and the future, not the past. For some, however, it was a parachute that overturned a final sentence. ”