Conte: ‘Strong consequences of Covid in 2021-2022 but there is recovery’ – Politics


Everyone tells us that the pandemic will also have serious consequences next year, if not 2022 ”. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said this at the event “New budget and the next generation of the EU: A European plan to restart Italy”. But the recovery Fund in the EU is “in the final stretch”, he stresses.

“We are moving towards a European ‘vaccination day’ at the end of this month in which the vaccination plan will be inaugurated – added the premier -: it is very good that the member states do not proceed each on their own but all together” .

“The national plan for re-launching and resilience – he added – must be shared at all levels” and must have “preferential channels for making investments and completing works.” that can guarantee the implementation in adequate time with all the central and territorial administrations involved ”.