Genoa. First Giuseppe Conte he has the new DCPM signed in the night with measures to face the coronavirus emergency. The final text will be published in the Official Gazette in the morning and the Prime Minister will hold a press conference in the next few hours. The classification of the regions in “orange zone“(Where should Liguria be, although yesterday President Toti did not express certainties) and”Red zoneHowever, it will be decided with an order from the Ministry of Health that will probably arrive today after listening to the Presidents of the Regions. Should return theself certification, although no version of the text mentions it.
Here is the full text to download: dpcm November 3, 2020
Among the rules valid for the entire country is the “curfew“, or the limitation of the movement of people, from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. “From 10 pm to 5 am, only trips motivated by proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons are allowed. In any case, all natural persons are strongly recommended, throughout the day, not to travel in public or private means of transport, except for work, study, health or situations of need. or to carry out activities or use non-suspended services ”, reads the draft of the Dpcm.
The new decree establishes that on board the public means of local transport and for regional rail transport, “a load factor not exceeding 50 percent” is allowed; this with the exclusion, however, of “dedicated school transportation”.
A school 100% distance learning is activated for high school students and the mask will be mandatory for elementary and middle school children, even when they are sitting at the desk.
Cinemas, theaters, museums, swimming pools, closed gyms. “Without prejudice to the suspension of the activities of swimming pools and gyms – read the draft of the Dpcm – thebasic sports activity and motor activity generally carried out outdoors in public and private sports centers and clubs permitted in compliance with the rules of social distancing and without any meeting, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Office of Sport, after consulting the Italian Sports Medical Federation, with the prescription that is the use of changing rooms is prohibited within these circles. ” Outdoor sports or individual motor activity are allowed..
To counteract the spread of the coronavirus, the draft provides for it cruise services stop by Italian-flagged passenger ships. The provision is without prejudice to ongoing cruises until November 8. Foreign-flagged ships employed in cruise services are also allowed to enter Italian ports exclusively for the purpose of ‘idle’ parking.
No more competitions except health. The preliminary draft foresees the “suspension of the pre-selection and written tests of the procedures of public and private competitions and those of qualification for the exercise of the professions, with the exception of cases in which the evaluation of candidates is carried out exclusively in the curricular or electronic or in which the commission deems to correct the written tests with remote connection, as well as to exclude competitions for health personnel, including, where appropriate, state exams and qualification to practice the profession of surgeon . of those intended for civil protection personnel “.
Liguria should be located in the regions “characterized by a scenario of high severity and high level of risk“, The call”orange zone“But the list will be communicated later.
In any case they will be Entering and leaving the region is prohibited. Except for proven work needs, situations of need, health reasons, school, return home or residence. It is also prohibited to travel in public or private transport. in a municipality other than the one of residence “Except for proven needs for work or study, for health reasons, for situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in that municipality.”
Bars, restaurants and discos will be totally closed. except for dining rooms and catering. Only home delivery is allowed and until 10 pm to take away with prohibition of consumption in the place and in the surroundings. The service areas of the highway, stations, terminals and the like remain open.
If Liguria enters the “red zone” (and this will be possible in any case if the contagion situation worsens) the full retail closure (except groceries, supermarkets, kiosks, tobacconists, pharmacies, parapharmacies). Will remain open instead hairdressers, barbers, beauticians and Personal services (this is the novelty compared to the draft). Sports activity exclusively outdoors and individually. Distance education is included from second grade onwards.