The sigh of relief for the “3 to 3” in the Regionali, near Palazzo Chigi, is not without shadows. The electoral return, in fact, doubly reinforces Giuseppe Conte, a convinced supporter of Yes in the referendum and promoter, until now in vain, of an organic Pd-M5s alliance that, perhaps, could have changed the fortunes in some municipalities and in The Marches. But for Conte a new season opens as a “mediator”.
The post-regional Democratic Party will increase its pressure, probably setting aside the prudence of this first year of government. Certainly, Democrats will want to capitalize on key issues like security dl or the MES. With another knot that could end, perhaps not immediately, on the table at Palazzo Chigi, that of the remodeling. The prime minister, for now, is only filtering his “full satisfaction” with the regularity of the voting despite the emergence of Covid. And because of the fact that, even in times of the pandemic, “Italians have shown their attachment to democracy.” Conte spends his election on Monday at Palazzo Chigi, working on dossiers on which, in the coming days, the prime minister wants to accelerate: the Cashless plan and the guidelines of the Recovery Plan.
And in the afternoon, when the victory of Yes and those of Tuscany and Puglia are now safe, call the secretary Nicola Zingaretti. However, the government’s agenda is set to change significantly. The Democratic Party will return to the position of the Month while the request to expedite the changes to the security decrees arrives, a hot topic on the part of the parties of an M5 that, beyond the victory of the referendum, returns to lick the wounds after another more debacle in the territories. A “Balkanized” movement heading towards the Estates General, a true milestone for future alliances with the Democratic Party. At one point, the ruling wing (now also enriched by the presence of Luigi Di Maio), the head of government, and the Democrats seem to agree: already in the coming weeks we will have to work on alliances that do not fail in the municipalities of 2021. It will not be easy and between saying and doing there is a middle ground between the pentastellato congress and the movement of Alessandro Di Battista, which is contrary to any appearance. For the Movement, however, the risk is to be crushed on the one hand by the lack of clarity about its future and on the other by pressure from the Democratic Party. A Democratic Party strengthened in the government, which claims to have shown in polls that it is not “subordinate” to the M5S.
The Nazarene, in the post-vote, “blinds” Nicola Zingaretti: in fact, in this phase, Stefano Bonaccini’s challenge, in which part of the minority was already working, loses strength. And consequently, the congress is also walking away. In the Democratic Party, everyone says that Iv has been irrelevant, even if the first test of the vote went well for the Renzians. And – underlines in Iv – they will not lower their voice in the government.
From the Democratic headquarters, then, they assure that there is no reorganization between Zingaretti’s requests. But, outside the notebook, among the exponents of the Pd circulates the subject and how. There is a record of the request of those who, like Andrea Orlando, on the eve of the vote wanted a “coupon” for the government. “Many of us think that a reorganization is needed to strengthen the government,” explains an undersecretary and Democratic exponent. It remains to be seen how this reorganization would play out. In the Democratic Party, it is excluded that Zingaretti wants to take Luciana Lamorgese’s place in the Viminale, also because the election of an Interior technician was a selective decision by the secretary himself.
It would be, it is argued among Democrats, more than anything else to replace the “weaker” figures from M5S. It will not be easy, because the step between a reorganization and new consultations in the Colle with the consequent confidence is short. And Conte, so far, has proven to be more than cautious about changing teams. And the Movement? Wait for the request to be formalized by the Democratic Party. A reorganization, of the parts of the pentastellati, would not be the worst of evils, especially if it served to replace one or more “internal” exponents on which mlaumori grows in the groups. But the risk for Di Maio & Co is that, once a square is moved, that same square goes to Po.