Conte probably makes use of that decisive requirement for Machiavelli: a lucky cunning


by Carmelo Zaccaria

“One can become a ‘prince’ of a state by benefiting from the favor of the people or by using the support of great potentates. However, to get to his leadership you need a lot of luck or a lot of virtue ”. So he argues Machiavelli who then, out of scruples, adds another decisive requirement, which is to possess a “cunning luck”.

First Giuseppe Conte, probably take advantage of this peculiarity. He understood, undoubtedly, knowing Machiavelli’s thought, that you can defend yourself from people, just not contradict them, while you should always be on your guard against the Great Ones, because they can turn against you and abandon you to your destiny when you least expect it. Today we do not know how much our leadership Note what the explicit intention of The prince, that is to say, exhorting the bitter Italian districts to unite to build an independent and unitary national state.

Regrettably we must observe, with amazement, how, in the midst of health emergency And with the burdensome commitments that the country must face in the coming months, the political class, and beyond, finds nothing better than to venture into unhealthy verbal distinctions and impulses of narcissistic protagonism that weaken the foundations of civil society.

Paradoxically, there is a permanent diatribe between false contenders that has always contaminated the management of public affairs in our country, dominated by moral decadence and bombastic proclamations. Meanwhile, however, no talent arises to preside over the present, none draft sensitive for the Italy of the future. The total failure of an unrealistic, shoddy ruling class, which is sometimes difficult to perceive as an integral part of the nation, is now certified by many.

But then, if these are the results, one would wonder if we are not interpreting Machiavelli in a deceptive way or, absurdly, if it is not the teacher’s prescriptions unknowingly ruining us. In short, what has always intrigued us about the great Florentine is the conviction that to evaluate thepolitical action it is not so necessary that this conform to some moral law, as it turns out to be effective It is useful by the fate of the state. Politics separate from ethics.

Machiavelli invites you to rule with the strength of the lion and the cunning of the fox. It says that it is not necessary to have good qualities, while it is necessary apparently have them. He believes that those who rule are not required to observe all those sound principles that honest men have. After all, the art of knowing how to simulate and hide it is daily bread for our political class.

Another story, probably, would have been if we had followed the precepts conceived in clemency of Seneca, where the harshness and cynical behavior of the prince is contrasted with the concern to be able to rule with indulgence and moderation, excluding all forms of cruelty and violence. Seneca asserts that the parsimony of punishments better corrects men’s customs, because in the city where men are punished there is rarely a general consensus for the Justice.

The clemenza in fact it does not denote softness, it does not mean to be always condescending, but it refers to an area of ​​a political nature where ethics is essential from the management of power, that is, it means exercising power in a beneficial and healthy way, being fair and empathetic especially in the exercise of supreme power.

Only one is the impregnable bulwark: the love of the citizens! In short, the prince must behave with sense of proportion and based on solid moral principles, performing the same duties as a good father whose mayor is recognized in the care of his children, putting his interests before his own. Thus demonstrating that it is not the State that belongs to him, but that he belongs to the State. A lesson that today would serve more than the intoxicating interpretations of Machiavelli.

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