In terms of migration, we have shared a strategy of action: we must govern migratory flows like the EU, we cannot suffer them and be overwhelmed ”. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said this during the Med-7 summit. “We must expand EU policies with strong partnerships with countries of origin and transit, intensify the fight against human smugglers, adopt an effective European return mechanism, as well as effective mandatory redistribution of migrants. Finally, we must ensure there is full transparency and compliance with international law for those who provide aid at sea, including NGOs. “
Conte, positive reviews do not alter back to school – “The data” of the positives among school oepratori “introduces a critical element but does not alter the back-to-school project: we continue to pursue it,” stressed the Prime Minister of the Council. (ANSA) – “We have prepared everything for the maximum guaranteed safety for children. We are refining everything for the next few hours, although some regions will leave later,” he added.
Conte, reduction of quarantine hypothesis after swabbing – “The WHO reiterated that the most precautionary solution is 14 days, then there are countries that hypothesize a reduction. Let’s see: we could hypothesize a reduction of a few days and a return to activity after a swab. But it is not a purely political decision: it must be comforted by scientific evaluations. “
Recovery: Conte, dialogue with opposition, is a national plan – “There was an operational meeting” on the recovery plan “with the leaders of the majority group, but this does not exclude dialogue with the opposition. In fact, we have to wait for it, because this should be the national plan, it should not be the government plan. but the plan that the entire national community should be able to share “, Conte said.” It is an advantage to have completed the guidelines of the relaunch plan in such a short time “: the projects will be presented in the EU in January 2021” but time will never it is enough when it comes to projects to relaunch the country, “he continued.
Conte, reforms to strengthen countries – “I am particularly satisfied with the climate and the concreteness of our dialogue: this group of countries has shown that it can be incisive when it comes to requesting a timely European response to the crisis generated by the pandemic. We have a very challenging perspective: we must work for the best measures for health, recovery, employment, social and territorial cohesion and structural reforms that will make our countries stronger and more resilient. We are all committed: it is a historic opportunity for a better future, “said Conte.
“I quote an excellent Italian statesman, Aldo Moro: ‘no one is called to choose between being in Europe or in the Mediterranean, because all of Europe is in the Mediterranean.’ We have a moral duty to offer the Mediterranean our heritage of development and also stabilization “Stressed the premier.” If the EU wants to exercise leadership – he added – it absolutely must play a role in helping to define a new regional order that focuses on its own authority and achieves shared solutions. A new Europe is a resource for all. Europe works on four pillars: prosperity and security, migration management, promotion of civil society and culture. “