«This morning I accompanied my son, the last mile he does alone. I hope you entered». The premier joked about it Giuseppe Conte. Today, in front of the school (comprehensive school) his son attends, in Prati, a Rome, a group of parents protested not to organize the resumption of classes in the classroom.
Surprise visit to Conte school in Tor Bella Monaca: “What are your problems here?”
School, I return (in the crowd) with few precautions. Mattarella: “Broadband for everyone”
«The criticisms are there and we do not hide them. But I wonder, have we hidden the other years? – The head of government continued later – The truth is that this emergency challenges us to do much more, we are doing it and we will have to do it». At the base of the organized protest in Prati, the lack of teachers in the school: so face-to-face lessons are not guaranteed. And those who are at a distance, with integrated digital education, in a middle or elementary school cannot be done.
The surprise visit
Meanwhile, in the morning there had been a surprise visit from the premier Giuseppe Conte in a school on the outskirts of Rome, between Tor Bella Monaca and Torre Angela. Conte visited the institute at via Poseidone 66. “Tell me what are the critical issues,” Conte asked the director. “Do you know that the first day of school this year has excited everyone, not just you? This is a special year,” Conte told the students. “You are here to make your dreams come true, but you must also do their part, they must respect the rules “, explained the premier greeting the children who, to the chief executive, wished” good work “.