There will be no national blockade at the moment. During today’s meeting of the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, with the heads of delegation of the majority parties, in the afternoon the issue of measures to curb the spread of coronavirus infections was also discussed. L ‘Adnokronos reports that during the discussion, which was also attended by the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro, and the president of the Superior Council of Health, Franco Locatelli, the issue of a new tightening of national anti-Covid measures was not addressed. So, for the moment Conte and his ministers have no intention of announcing a new blockade in the coming days.
Covid Emergency and Regions, new narrow Friday, but the blockade takes time
by Tommaso Ciriaco

Definitely, as reported by Republic, for this Friday there will be new restrictions in other regions, but Italy will continue to be divided into bands of different colors and anti-Covid measures will not be standardized between territories with different contagion rates.
The Minister of Regional Affairs also participates in the summit, which is still ongoing, Francesco Boccia, and the undersecretary The weather in Fraccaro. Among the topics under discussion, also the Budget law and the Ristori bis decree.