Conte, Natale: ‘We are working for greater caution’


“We are working to be more cautious at Christmas.” This was stated by the President of the Government, Giuseppe Conte, during the press conference in Palma de Mallorca, which he attended for the Italian-Spanish summit with Pedro Sánchez. “I had discussions with the representatives of the EU institutions – continued the premier – to try to promote and obtain coordination in particular for the ski resorts and the Christmas holidays. We cannot live the Christmas holidays in the mountains as in other years, if there is a response from the EU, I hope it is and I think it is the right one.

The anti-Covid Christmas restrictions and to avoid the fear of a third wave will be the subject of two meetings scheduled for today: at 6 pm with the CTS and Minister Speranza, at 7 pm at the Conte summit with the heads of delegation of the majority parties. .

Covid, Conte: “At work for Christmas with some caution. We will reopen schools as soon as possible”

“The classroom teaching school should reopen as soon as possible.” And the other strong issue on which the Prime Minister spoke clearly indicating that the executive’s priority is not the ski slopes, but the school. When will all classrooms reopen? “As soon as the curve of the epidemic allows.” And the holidays in the snow? Will it be possible to ski in Austria and not in Italy? “I spoke with Michel and Von der Leyen. We need a coordinated response from the EU on the ski slopes. We cannot think of being able to live the Christmas holidays in the mountains as in other years ».

Conte will discourage the tourism of Italian skiers abroad: “We are taking care to avoid cross-border transfers. We do not want to limit them, but to avoid that if you go on vacation abroad you can return without any health control. As for Christmas, the Government will soon issue directives: «We can already define measures in the coming days that, beyond the color of the regions, are suitable to intervene in very intense social occasions, typical of the Christmas period. We are aware that citizens need to know to plan their trips. We believe that we must take greater precautions to avoid an increase in infections, which we must avoid.

Coronavirus: infections in Italy and which are the regions to keep under control

On the EU, Conte believes that the next European Council will be decisive for the Recovery Fund, despite vetoes from Poland and Hungary. “The next European Council will be decisive in making the commitments made operational, but we are confident that if we continue to work together with courage and determination, even countries that express positions leading to a slowdown will be convinced that all European citizens cannot wait.” . Also on migrants Contensibilize those EU countries that feel far from the emergency. ‘We must work on effective redistribution mechanisms in the EU. There are EU countries that feel on the margins of the problems derived from the migration issue. But one day the migration could come from the east and the problems would be the same.

Regarding health, Conte reassures Speranza: “The resources are sufficient thanks to the budget law and the funds that will come out of the Recovery”. With the majority of heads of delegation, yesterday Conte did not deepen the theme of the Month, but that of the Banking Union. Will Italy accept ESM funds? “The important thing – concludes the premier – is that health care has adequate resources. The instrument does not count.

Quark Economy – Will there be an agreement on the recovery fund? Here are the scenarios between the fierce faces of Hungary and Poland and the Italian public debt
