The maneuver “has two objectives: to support and relaunch the economy. We have developed a project that aims to restore confidence and development to the country.” Thus, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi to illustrate the content of the maneuver.
Conte, urged at the press conference, also returned to the ESM issue: “I answered a question but it does not mean that” the ESM issue “was resolved yesterday at a press conference. There are the right places and there will be an opportunity to talk about it.. On the contrary, I anticipate you: as the majority forces have asked for a moment of confrontation, I create at least a political confrontation to define priorities, to define a pact before the end of the Legislature ”. Conte stressed that “at this stage the M5S has already marked an important appointment”, that is, the General States, and how therefore “it is convenient to define this passage first, unless the Movement is in a position to anticipate it.”
“There is an ongoing negotiation in the EU – he said about the Recovery Fund – and a close dialogue between Parliament and Merkel, the Council. I do not see big problems: some billions still dance, but over the total amount of 800 thousand million is not a big deal. ” problem and I am very confident. The national plan is multiannual, I am more concerned with compensating the deficit in administrative spending capacity with mechanisms and regulatory structures that do not waste a euro. For the rest, we will find a way at the beginning of the year to make progress in line with the programmatic framework that we want to assume ”.
There are – highlighted the premier – “important resources to strengthen health, strengthen school transport, give support to the most affected sectors, for a new cycle of layoffs, and for support measures to favor the liquidity of companies.” “For 2021 – said the Minister of Economy Gualtieri – the government mobilizes some 70 billion in resources for recovery” between those already assigned with the decrees during the emergency and those of the maneuver.
With the maneuver “We put the resources to launch the universal allowance for families with children from July 1, which can reach up to 200 euros per month per child for all types of families “.
Tax Reform: “We have established a first step – said Conte – and a significant step for the organic reform of our tax system. We have sent between 5 and 6 billion lire to launch the single check from the middle of the year.” For the tax collector, he explained, “we do not want marginal adjustments, but an organic reform of the entire fiscal and tax system, we will work on it immediately and we will support ourselves in the coming months on a delegated law to review the collection system, redefine the dispute” . fiscal, reform the tax process and also with regard to personal income tax and the reform of the tax rate ”. We allocate 8 billion by inserting them into a specific fund to which we will add resources from the fight against tax evasion and the recovery of the underground economy ”. The objective is “a comprehensive reform of the entire system to have greater equity, transparency, efficiency and modernity, to pay everyone because we can all pay less.”
Prime Minister Conte also spoke about Covid. “You have to be vigilant – he stressed – as in gyms, and act appropriately and proportionally, in a reasoned way, not emotionally.” “We have heard – he made it known – with Decaro and Lamorgese and we have already agreed on a protocol that will allow mayors, after consulting the ASL, to adopt a proposal for the squares and streets most suitable for gatherings. Then in the context of a technical meeting of the public order and safety commission will seek a solution for controls and implementation by all competent authorities. They are experimental measures: we must also build something new ”. “Before we were not prepared and we reached the generalized confinement that we could not avoid. Now instead we have worked, do the tests, distribute the masks, we have worked in schools, in offices to guarantee maximum security and now we have to guarantee a different strategy: the curve is objectively worrying, we are preparing to avoid a generalized confinement, but we cannot exclude that if the measures do not give effect we will be forced calibrate them more efficiently and reach limited crashes because you have to avoid a generalized one. “
Other ministers have also spoken of the maneuver. With the maneuver “we are not introducing any new tax. On the contrary, we are financing the execution of the tax wedge cut that came into effect last July and that provides for an increase in salaries of up to 100 euros for incomes of up to 40 a thousand euros”. This was stated by the Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo, when speaking in a post on Facebook about the measures of the budget law, with which, the government explains, guarantees “a strong boost to the economic recovery of our country, which already It has started in recent months, while strengthening the social protection measures necessary to confront the current virus outbreak with safety ”.
With the budget law, he explains, “we are investing above all in young people. As of next year, in fact, the 100% deduction will be made effective for three years for companies that hire workers under 35 years of age. time, we extended the aid to families with the introduction, as of July 2021, of the single allowance for children.
Not only. We further promote employment by facilitating exit mechanisms for older workers through, above all, the extension of the Women’s Option, the renewal of Ape Sociale and the expansion of the audience of the expansion contract by reducing the dimensional criteria of access for the companies (from 1,000 to 500 employees) “.
With almost six billion lire, “a new boost to the labor market in southern Italy is ensured. Thanks to these resources, in fact, we are putting in place the tax system for companies in the south, which can thus continue to enjoy a 30% relief of contributions for all its employees and for new hires. Finally, we strengthen the safety net for the sectors most affected by the economic impact of the Coronavirus (such as tourism and restaurants). Four billion will be allocated to a Fund to support these activities, while with another five billion we finance the expansion of the Covid dismissal fund for companies that are struggling to restart ”, he concludes.
Approximately 4.6 billion to be allocated to an infrastructure compensation fund. This is what the next budget law foresees to proceed with the differentiated autonomy law. Initially, Minister Francesco Boccia had provided the resources within the bill, which was ready to be presented but was later blocked by the Covid emergency. Now the resources have been included in the tables of the maneuver and, it is explained, will be available to the South, the internal areas and the mountain areas as soon as the autonomy law is approved.