Conte loses a million euros, Lamorgese is the richest – Il Tempo


dark bincher

Giuseppe Conte has become six times poorer in one year. We learned this on Christmas Eve, when the premier presented his 2020 statement in the Senate indicating a total income of 205,048 euros compared to the previous year of 1,207,391 euros: one million less, not bruscolini.

Although very small compared to 2019, the figure brought home says that the people’s lawyer has also continued to charge as someone else’s private lawyer, because the income is more than double what he would be entitled to as prime minister, especially that he had reduced (or so he announced) by 20% shortly after taking office at Palazzo Chigi.

To justify the penultimate tax return in front of Grillini fans who do not like millionaires, Conte explained that the record collection was due to former clients who had had to pay him bills submitted for years. They evidently expected a discount or memory loss from the lawyer who had not yet lent to the people, but when they saw him become the most powerful man in Italy, they thought it wiser to pay all the money due to the last penny.

Someone else with the shorter arm must have taken time out for another year, saying to himself “That doesn’t last there …”, and seeing the mistake must have fixed it. On the 205,048 euros declared, Conte pays 61,314 euros in taxes, which represents 29.9% of the declared amount. It is not a high tax rate, but important deductions are made on your income, which reduces it by 22.7%. The premier is entitled to a deduction of 2,327 euros for the main home, to which he adds 44,247 euros of “deductible expenses” that, however, are not specified. The figure is important and can probably be explained by the alimony to the ex-spouse, the prime minister being separated from the ex-wife and mother of his son Valentina Fico. The income that remains taxed is, therefore, 158,474 euros per year, and the rate that is made then amounts to 38.69%.

No reported asset status changes on the consistency of the prime minister’s movable and immovable property Therefore, who owns, as in 2018, a house of their own bought in the center of Rome, just behind Campo dei Fiori, by Michele Amari of Giuseppe Statuto, one of the “crafty neighborhoods” of the mid-decade climbs of 2000, then ended up in trouble with the law. like the other two partners Stefano Ricucci and Danilo Coppola.

With his 205 thousand euros as a declared Count, this year he occupies second place in the income classification of the Council of Ministers. In fact, she is hit by the owner of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese, who declared the sum of 230,357 euros gross in 2020. During the year, the minister who was previously prefect also sold once her securities portfolio and also that of derivatives entered the government , which may have created some embarrassment. Third place in the classification for the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Dario Franceschini, who declared 132,800 euros. All the other ministers filed tax returns that in 2020 were very little above or very little below 100,000 euros. Except for Elena Bonetti (70,364 euros) and the poorest of all, the owner of relations with Europe and now director of the Recovery Fund, Vincenzo Amendola, who had a gross income of 34,401 euros.

However, some deceased ministers are missing. And among these is the one who should have institutionally filed his tax return first: the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri. Also because his 2019 model was a joke: 1,149 euros of income (in fact he did not declare the true income as MEP in Italy).
