Conte is scared and now invokes the great misunderstanding: time


On the governance of the Recovery – the structure that will supervise and control the resources that will arrive in Italy – “there has been a colossal misunderstanding: the heads of mission have follow-up tasks and they do not subtract powers, prerogatives and competences from ministers, central administrations and peripherals “. This is what Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte points out in a long interview, stating that “politics has never been commissioned, we never thought about it: the law was not understood or read with care.” “A safeguard clause was only thought of,” he adds, “in the hypothesis that central administrations could not intervene to exercise substitute powers, here then, to guarantee the execution of an intervention and avoid the waste of resources, the directors some missions can intervene, but with the authorization of the CDM ”.

“In any case – the Prime Minister wants to clarify, clearing up doubts – we will once again discuss in our own headquarters that for the government it is the Council of Ministers and I am sure that we will find the appropriate formula to guarantee and assure Italy and all Italians the possibility of winning this bet, of spending 209 billion in a few years. We will do it with this minimal structure and without hundreds of commissioners. “
