Conte is in bad shape for psychologists. And Italians fare no better – Il Tempo


Gianfranco Ferroni

Seen by psychologists, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is in bad shape. And even the Italians are not doing better. “The pandemic, like all major crises that show our vulnerability and pose an adaptive challenge, has demonstrated the importance of psychological aspects for life and health. Now, after 7 months of this situation, the level of psychological distress, not supported by an absent or absent public network, has become a great social and public health problem ». Word of David Lazzari, president of the National Council of the Order of Psychologists, in the Temple of Hadrian on the occasion of the act for the National Day of Psychology. “After the summer, stress levels rose again and we are almost at March levels, just think that 59% of Italians have a medium-high stress level (between 70 and 100). Under these conditions, the country does not have the psychological resources to handle a new blockade. A second total closure would be unsustainable ”. And at the conference many professionals wanted to treat the premier, going to Palazzo Chigi.
