“The prime minister does not challenge anyone, he has the responsibility of a political synthesis and a government program – Conte said -. To strengthen the trust and credibility of the government and the political class, it is necessary to act with transparency and confront frankly. The parliamentary step is essential. While I am there there will always be clear, frank steps, where all citizens can participate and the protagonists will assume their respective responsibilities.
Conte quotes Moro: “Ultimatums are not admissible”Responding to a question about the criticism of Matteo Renzi, the premier replied: “There are two aspects that I cannot make my own: one is the ultimatum, which does not belong to my cultural and political baggage. I think it was in Aldo’s last speech. Moro, and I would like to underline his beautiful words: ultimatums are not admissible in politics, because they have the sense of precipitating things and preventing positive solutions from being reached. I am in favor of dialogue, confrontation, finding a superior synthesis. “

“I don’t want to believe that in this scenario we will reach a government crisis”And precisely regarding a feared government crisis, Prime Minister Conte was succinct: “I do not put myself in these scenarios. If the confidence of a majority force is lost, there will be a parliamentary passage where everyone will assume their responsibilities. I do not want to believe that in such a scenario we reach such a situation. A crisis “.
“Reorganize? If the problem is raised, it will be discussed” Responding to a question about a possible reorganization of the government, Conte said instead: “I work with the forces of the majority, I never thought of joining alone. If the problem arises, it will be discussed to find functional answers that help.” the national interest. I am available in the perimeter of solutions that help the national interest ”.
“Recovery? Didn’t I say everything is fine?” Regarding the Recovery plan, the Prime Minister said: “I did not say that everything is fine. We still do not have the final document, we still do not have governance. It is not right. We must hurry. We must run, we have a great responsibility.”
“We have 52-54 projects, there is no political synthesis” “There is confidentiality regarding certain projects, more than 600 have arrived. All the ministers, even those of IV, have worked to give their contribution,” he said about the long times of the Recovery. “Doing a project is not just writing a title. Each project has hundreds of pages. For the Recovery fund, we have to draw up a schedule. What has been lacking so far is the final political synthesis, where it is fair that each political force express his vision in the final selection and in the final distribution of resources. We must choose. In my opinion, 52-54 projects are still too numerous. We must concentrate even more the available resources on those projects that are capable of definitively transforming our country ” .
“Major investments will go to the South” “In the Recovery plan there are significant investments in the South, in the Naples-Bari High Speedway, the backbone, Palermo-Catania-Messina, and again Agritech in Naples and another series of capillary investments – he revealed -. Ed there will be others about educational poverty, and those in the digital sector that will be heavily invested in the South ”.
“By the end of January, Italy will have 2.35 million vaccines “ The prime minister then focused on the issue related to the vaccination campaign “By January in Italy we will have to have 2 million 350 thousand vaccines: in addition to Pfizer’s, another vaccine will also arrive, Moderna’s, because the EMA should pronounce itself to early January”. “Then he specified:” The vaccine, I would do it myself immediately, but we tried to respect the priorities. ”
“In late spring, 10-15 million were vaccinated.” The first real results of the arrival of the Covid vaccine will be “at the end of spring”, said the Prime Minister, specifying that “the first real results will be, according to experts, when we have vaccinated 10/15 million.” citizens and I don’t think it will happen before April. Then phase 1 will end ”.
“Not just vaccines, also monoclonal therapies” In addition to vaccination, “we must also trust that in a few weeks monoclonal therapies certified by the competent authorities will be consolidated and will be very effective. Italy is unsurpassed in research and expresses a level of excellence. I know that Toscana Life Science and Professor Rappuoli in Siena they are in a very advanced stage of antibodies that somehow neutralize the effectiveness of the virus “.
“We do not consider a vaccination obligation” Therefore, the prime minister “excluded” the possibility of making vaccination mandatory. “We are sure that we can have a good percentage of the population optionally,” he revealed. Among the proposals on the table, he explained, is to allow those who have been vaccinated to have “a qualification for greater mobility.”
“We will extend the Covid state of emergency for as long as necessary” During the day, Conte also announced that the Covid state of emergency will be “extended until it is necessary to maintain the civil protection facilities and all the safeguards that allow us to manage the emergency, giving powers to the enforcement bodies.” It does not mean that we explode the constitutional framework but that we apply this necessary rule for specific events such as earthquakes and floods. This event is unpredictable, changeable, it unfolds continuously. We will have to accompany him with the extension of the state of emergency. ”

“For the third wave the bands remain but unknown variants” “We will confront the potential third wave of Covid with our measures,” Conte said. We just need to understand if variants, like the English one, that have a higher contagion rate, will force us to update our measurements or not. Otherwise the band system with monitoring is absolutely adequate for the third wave ”.
“More vaccines like Germany? The EU contract prohibits it” “Why hasn’t Italy secured vaccine doses like Germany? Italy, France, Germany and the Netherlands were the first countries to advance synchronously towards the vaccine alliance, after having made contact with We handed over the balloon to the commission of the EU. It was a political choice – he replied -. Italy has not tried to get other orders because the contractually negotiated doses are hundreds of millions. And then Italy has not. Made because in article 7 of the European Commission contract bilateral contracting is prohibited ” .

“I hope high schools will restart on January 7 at least 50%” Conte also addressed the issue of the reopening of secondary schools: “I hope that on January 7, secondary schools will be able to restart with a mixed integrated didactics at least 50% in presence, as a show of responsibility, without putting students at risk. communities “. If, as they tell me, the prefectural tables have worked well, we will be able to restart with at least 50% ”.
“Local flexibility for schools and public offices” “We take advantage of December to go one step further, in a logic of maximum flexibility,” he continued. We involve the prefects, with all the authorities involved, for a synthesis. We understood that the system is so integrated that it is not possible. decongest flows around the school, even for local public transport, if the different sectors are not integrated. The prefectures were tasked with coordinating flexible solutions, to be evaluated country by country, school by school. There was a desire to differentiate entry times also in public offices “.
“Work? Worrying about the end of layoffs, critical scenario” Conte then focused attention on the issue of work: “Minister Catalfo, with unions and social forces, is already working on the scenario that we will have to face as of March with the end of the layoffs block. It is a very worrying scenario. We have built a The social protection belt that is more or less working, has prevented the dismissal of 600 thousand people. But we must work to reform and reorganize the social safety nets and make active labor policies more incisive. We will have to work to let us not be caught off guard ”.
“Citizen income has reduced poverty, but there is room for improvement” “I am very satisfied with the income of the citizens – Conte continued -: there are 2.8 million beneficiaries and the impact on poverty is there. If you look at the Gini index that measures the concentration of income, it is 0.7%. In a country that has social inclusion as its goal, not just modernization, it is clear that we cannot leave out people who cannot buy their livelihoods. We can improve it, but this is another perspective, to better involve the job search mechanism. ”
“Libya? Italy at the forefront of an autonomous country” The prime minister also addressed foreign policy issues such as the Libyan crisis: “Constant attention to this dossier has never been abandoned, overcoming military logic and external interference in the framework of the Berlin process that is taking place under the aegis of the UN A fragile process but the objectives are clear and Italy will never again fall back on the objective of an independent Libya free from external interference. It is not with military offensives that problems are solved. ”
