Conte illustrates the new dpcm: “It will be a different Christmas, no less authentic”


“It will be a different Christmas, but no less authentic.” Then Giuseppe Conte illustrating the Christmas dpcm during the press conference at Palazzo Chigi. The premier, confirming the restrictions anticipated in recent days, explained that “the system of colored regions will continue.”

“The plan based on the three bands is working, the measures we adopt are adequate: in less than a month we have doubled the contagion curve, taking the TR below 1 and we also register a drop in hospitalizations: we are avoiding a lockdown widespread. It is reasonable to think that within a couple of weeks all regions will be yellow, explained the premier. Who, then, stressed how addressing “holidays with ‘yellow’ measures” would lead to “an increase in infections.” Hence the need for new restrictive measures.

“The road to defeat the pandemic is still long,” Conte warned, also about the danger of a third wave that could be “no less violent” than the previous one and “could arrive as early as January.” We must avoid it ”, reiterated the prime minister.

“From 21 to 6 all travel from one region to another was prohibited, even to reach second homes. On December 25, 26 and January 1 it is also forbidden to travel from one municipality to another ”, confirmed Conte.

“On December 31 at night it will not be possible to organize parties and dinners. The hotel restaurants will close at 6 in the afternoon and from that moment only room service will be possible, “explained the premier who recommended:” We must understand each other, “he emphasized. “We cannot enter people’s homes and impose strict restrictions, but we present a strong recommendation, we all try to respect it. Not receiving people who do not live together at home is a fundamental precaution for us and to protect our loved ones ”.

For New Years, the curfew was extended until 7 am.

Among the exceptions in family reunification for “cases of need, there is also the initiative to provide assistance to non-self-sufficient people,” explains Conte, who then continues: “I want to clarify that in cases of need, initiatives to provide assistance to the non-self-sufficient “It is always allowed to return to the municipality of residence or where you live continuously. This will allow the reunification of couples. Those who return from abroad will have to quarantine”.

School theme. As of January 7, face-to-face teaching will resume and afternoon shifts are “welcome”.

While, in the red and orange areas from 5 to 22 bars and restaurants you can take service.

Responding to questions from journalists in the press room, the prime minister also regretted the attacks on his partner: “I received personal attacks that this time also involved my partner, and this is especially regrettable.”

Month Chapter: “On December 9 there is no decision on whether or not to activate the month. I will come to Parliament and make some communications to explain the problems of the European Council the next day. We will share all these steps with the majority forces. The reform of the month and possibly activation are decisions that will always go through parliament. Let’s not dramatize the steps: the majority forces have been, there are and will be, ”Conte reassures.

“It continues to be said that this government is behind on some issues but we are running. As for the Recovery Fund, we are not late. On Monday, but the day has not yet been agreed, there will be an extraordinary Cabinet dedicated to the Recovery Fund. We will update Parliament on the state of the art, we are already constantly updating with the European Commission. This will allow us to approve the governance structure on Monday, there are differences but they are not what you think, it is not who governs but rather to seek the most efficient structure for the modernization of the country. Do you think it is simple? That is why we think and do it with the aim of full functionality ”, Conte explains.

Regarding the reforms, the Prime Minister reiterates that “we are a government that was born with a precise political project and we must manifest the strength to reform the right to allow institutions to guarantee functionality. We must be brave. We will also discuss the electoral law and I am convinced that we will be able to find the appropriate synthesis to give a reform check. We are not floating ”.

Regarding the reorganization of the government, Conte clarified that “no political force has requested a reorganization and for that I thank them. Reorganization is an old politics formula. If the issue is the confrontation with political forces, I do not shy away but I am the captain of a team that has been overwhelmed by the emergency in recent months and together we have passed a great test. My ministers are the best ”.

Regarding the debate on whether vaccines are mandatory or not, the premier specified that there is “a principle of self-determination also at the therapeutic level and we must safeguard it to the limit. I am in favor of this approach, ”he explains. If the contagion curve allows it, “it will not be necessary to impose mandatory health treatment and we will try to preserve the ability to vaccinate until the end”.
