Prime Minister’s press conference at Palazzo Chigi – Vista Agency / Alexander Jakhnagiev /CorriereTv
Rome, October 25, 2020 «The Rt index has reached the critical threshold of 1.5. The government has set a clear objective: we want to keep the epidemiological curve under control. Only then will we be able to manage the pandemic and we will not be overwhelmed. Thus, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi illustrated the new Dpcm, Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers. «The latest epidemiological data that we have analyzed cannot leave us indifferent. We must do everything possible to protect health and the economy and avoid a second general lockdown. If in November we respect the rules we will be able to keep the curve under control and then relax the measures to face December and Christmas with greater serenity ”, explained President Conte.