Conte: “I say yes to Mattarella bis and I wanted Draghi in Brussels” – La Stampa


SENT TO CERNOBBIO. The talkative prime minister hadn’t spoken for two weeks. Perhaps a communication strategy to avoid overexposure and create that bit of mystery that gives a strong flavor to the comeback on stage. Giuseppe Conte at the Ambrosetti Forum tried to convince the industrial and financial elite that the government is firmly in the chair, has clear ideas about how to get out of the economic crisis and about the recovery fund recovery plans. The business community liked the attitude and method, but expect concrete facts and dreams from Mario Draghi. Knowing that most are not strong enough to face the great challenge. And Conte knows it. It is no coincidence that, before arriving at Cernobbio, at the Festa del Fatto Quotidiano, he exorcised the ghost of Draghi, the ghost that roams the rooms of Palazzo Chigi. All his words were aimed at stabilizing the government, at removing the other ghost, that of the coup against the regional authorities. Stabilize the political and institutional framework, even saying that “if the conditions were right,” a second term for the head of state would look “very good”. “President Mattarella is playing his role to perfection, with great poise and wisdom.”

It was precisely in Villa d’Este where the head of state in the morning, live, had urged the Government to put in place the resources for economic recovery and to present the reactivation projects in Brussels soon. The pandemic, Mattarella said, “was a milestone for the EU, which in a few months took courageous and innovative decisions”, thus showing “its ability to rediscover the spirit of its founding fathers.” But after his public intervention, when the doors were closed, answering questions from economists, the prime minister explained that the EU will give us more time. On October 15 we will not be asked to submit specific projects: an interview will begin. Regarding the calendar of the projects, Conte recalled, we are betting on our credibility. “Imagine what would happen if, after convincing our partners to give us $ 209 billion, we couldn’t spend it properly.” The government is working on a monitoring plan for the project, with a timetable and the “commissioner” hypothesis does not respect it. A site will allow anyone to track implementation times. Another aspect, the premier made clear: the tax reduction will not be done with European money, as the European Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni warned, but by promoting digitized payments. A system postponed due to lockdown: will start on December 1. “The challenge is complex, but we can overcome it,” he said.

But the ghosts flit, from regional to Draghi. He assures that he is not worried. And to show that he does not consider the former president of the ECB a “rival”, he says he met him to test his willingness to assume the presidency of the EU Commission. “He did not want to waste his name in vain, but he told me that he did not feel willingnible because he was tired of the European experience. ‘

The premier admits the difficulty of the majority to the regionals. The center-right is united, while the Pd and the M5S “go in no particular order: it is an unequal struggle.” But according to the prime minister, the elections “will not affect the government: it is a different context, we cannot abandon the Recovery Fund.” He says he was misunderstood when he asked the 5S candidates to stand down to foster alliances with the Democratic Party. “It was a call to stimulate the dialogue that will have to continue. We respect territorial sensitivities, but that should be the direction of travel. But will you vote for Raggi in Rome? “The question is premature”.
