Regarding his position, the premier emphasizes that “until the other day the commentators described me on the scale, but I have never felt biblically. Today they describe me as immovable, but I don’t feel immovable ”.
Regarding the result of the vote, for Conte “it was a good exercise of democracy, there was a lot of participation from the entire national community.” And even the “friends of the M5s I don’t think they expected brilliant results in Regionals, historically it is. Now I’m in a phase where the transition process
it will continue to evolve, to the point of relaunching its political action. But they have reason to console themselves, because they were promoters of the referendum ”.
Regarding the Recovery Fund, the premier, explaining that “there will be great opportunities to confront the opposition,” stresses that now “the government is called upon to implement a very demanding project, and must have the opportunity, the duty and the responsibility. to carry out the projects, and on that we must judge it. This must be a serious country, we must think in perspective. And if we do not succeed, the government will have to go home, and I add with ignominy. “
As far as the ESM is concerned, it is “a preliminary question on which I will not comment. If the problem arises, we will resolve it in Parliament with transparency.” But first, “we need to develop a plan to strengthen health care, after which we will go and see how much this plan costs.” Instead, the next step will be the security decrees: “We will bring them to the CDM as soon as possible, and we have already agreed on an amendment text because we want to ensure the safety of Italian citizens, not to reason with the slogan ‘open port, port closed. ‘We want to broaden the range of security and protection for citizens and broaden the protection of migrants. “