We have always adopted a consistent line: health protection comes first, also due to the positive effects on production; transparency; adequacy and proportionality ”. He says so Giuseppe Conte speaking outside Palazzo Chigi.
“We have a strict recommendation – said the prime minister – even for private homes: even in the family you have to be careful. If we host friends and family, we are careful and we keep our distance. These are the situations in which the infection spreads the most ”. The government’s recommendation is to wear a “mask and keep the rules at a distance” even when guests, friends or family are welcomed at home.
“Children under 6 years old, those who practice sports, those with health reasons, people with disabilities or those who have breathing difficulties”, the Prime Minister clarified again, they are exempt from the obligation of the outer mask.
“We have considered it appropriate and necessary to recover the relationship between the state and the regions that we had built in the hardest phase: they may adopt more restrictive measures but they will be limited in their flexibility, except for the measures agreed with the Minister of Health.”
“We want to be more strict to avoid new restrictive measures for productive activities,” said the premier. “We consider it opportune and necessary to recover the relationship between the state and the regions that we had built in the hardest phase: they may adopt more restrictive measures but they will be limited in flexibility, except for the measures agreed with the Minister of Health.
In the workplace, Conte added, “safety protocols” remain in place.