Nicola Porro unleashed on Twitter during the premier’s traditional end-of-year press conference at Villa Madama. The government of Giuseppe Conte He’s at the end of the line, the journalist writes, at least listening to questions from some reporters. Today the tone of the journalists at Conte’s press conference is no longer the same as the previous ones: it is clear that they think Count2 is over”Says Porro, who tweeted the prime minister’s omissions and slips during the two-hour meeting with the press.
“Conte is very satisfied with the income of the citizens and ‘the impact on the Gini index was 0.7%’. is giving the numbers“concludes Porro. Conte avoids the thorniest discussions.” extension of the state of emergency. And Conte does not respond ”, comments the journalist.
And the fight with Claudia Fusani? The journalist “asks about the vaccination plan and Conte says they are in favor of transparency but he does not answer. Better questions from supercazzola in the wellness cabin, “is Porro’s torpedo.