On the one hand, the “Fund for non-deferrable needs”, a change from the old wording “Fund for parliamentary needs”, which assigns 800 million euros to cover requests from parliamentarians in 2021 and others 500 million from 2022; On the other hand, the specific nursing subsidy granted to nurses employed by the public structures of the National Health Service formed by 335 million from 2021. Two sides of the same coin, or rather: two sides of the same maneuver by Giuseppe Conte, in which it was decided to adequately finance senators and deputies for their needs. And leave the crumbs, or almost, to the nurses.
To the nurses about 2.58 euros a day
Yes, because calculator in hand, the accounts speak for themselves: those 335 million destined to the “heroes of Covid” are equivalent to little more than a symbolic tip, since, according to the newspaper Time, this is 92 euros gross per month, including the thirteenth. That in the salary are reduced to 67 euros net considering taxation equal to 27%.
In other words, we are talking about 2.58 euros per day destined to nurses. In short, to the angels in the rooms, to the nurses at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus, the maneuver offers less than three coffees a day. And it doesn’t matter if healthcare personnel have been repeatedly praised for the respectable commitment shown by Covid departments.
Parliamentary needs
The discourse changes when we speak of “non-postponable needs” connected to senators me deputies. In that case, the Conte government spared no expense. Initially, the maneuver included 800 million euros for the initiatives decided by the different members of honor in 2021, together with another 400 million planned for 2022 and later years.
Later, he emphasized again Time, Article 209 has been modified: “The provision provides that the fund referred to in article 1, paragraph 200, of Law No. 190 of December 23, 2014 will be increased by 800 million for the year 2021 and 500 million euros per year from the year 2022.“In other words, for 2022 and the years to come they have been added 100 million more.
But what exactly is this for? background? “The regulation refinances the Fund to meet non-deferrable needs that arise during the management, established in the Ministry of Economy and Finance“The text reads. Thanks to the aforementioned sums, the honorable members will be able to finance their initiatives without the state accounting office returning them to the sender. Which, by not having financial coverage, blocks the rules.
Returning to the other side of the coin, on the health front, Conte’s maneuver allocated 500 million to the heroes of Covid to increase the exclusivity allocation of medical management and 335 million euros, as of 2021, for cover the consequent costs. the institution of the specific nursing assignment. Crumbs or a little more.