“I would rule out a new confinement and we say it with reason because we have worked to avoid it.” That’s what Giuseppe Conte said just three days ago. Seventy-two hours later, there is no one in the government who, with the microphones off, wants to rule out this possibility. At the Health Ministry, the doubling rate is viewed with concern, which has accelerated significantly in recent days to reach just one week. “Continuing at this rate in ten days we run the risk of having 20 thousand infections”, is the concern that circulates in the government.
A total shutdown, denied three days ago, is no longer considered impossible. The increase in the spread curve of the virus is as if it surprised the entire executive. “We persecute, we persecute everywhere – says an exponent of the government disconsolately – The dpcm of three days ago is probably old today”.
During the weekend, after the approval of the stability law in the Council of Ministers, the whirlwind of meetings and summits will resume to decide what to do. Fear has begun to suggest that the measures taken have been weak, and with a marked delay, so that there are already those who are talking about a new text in the first days of next week.
We think first of localized measurements. Vincenzo De Luca has broken the banks: from tomorrow until the end of October in Campania it will be impossible to organize dinners and parties, and schools and universities, except for the first years, will remain closed. Of the 8,804 infected on Thursday, more than 1,000 are in the region, a figure similar to that of Piedmont. But what is particularly worrying is Lombardy, which has passed the psychological threshold of 2,000 new cases in a single day. Beppe Sala emphasized the prefecture. These are hours of incessant contact with the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana, and it is not ruled out that tomorrow new measures similar to those taken by De Luca will be approved. On Friday the State-Regions conference will meet and a general comment will be made.
Conte is following the situation from Brussels with concern. The prime minister is convinced that we cannot proceed with an indiscriminate lockout like the one last spring: “But if we don’t intervene, we won’t stop the wave and the effects on the economy will rebound anyway.” The forecasts of some virologists have been read with annoyance, which undoubtedly have given a new closure at Christmas.
Before reaching that point, which even earlier this week was considered impossible even if not mainly because of the work done by the government, there are intermediate stages. They refer to more rigorous closures of bars and restaurants, modulations of the time of admission to school, to the hypothesis of distance education for the last years of the different cycles (although Minister Lucía Azzolina objects), an implementation of the work intelligent. starting with public employees, a reduction of public transport to the establishment of local red zones and, therefore, the prohibition of mobility from the inside out and vice versa.
Painful stages for a country that has already gone through difficult months, but which are considered necessary. The pressure on intensive care at this time has not exceeded the alarm threshold, even if some hospitals, such as the Milanese Sacco and Fatebenefratelli, have returned to receive only Covid patients. But the progression, according to the executive’s estimates, will trigger the alert threshold within a month.
And the last dpcm is not considered enough to reverse the trend. The wing of government close to Speranza and Dario Franceschini, who lead the penalty shooters, trembles, barely disguising the most classic of “we told you so.” The wave of positives caught much of the executive by surprise. That in the next seventy-two hours he will meet to make more decisions, hoping to be able to close the barn before the oxen are completely exhausted.