Rome. Save Santa Claus, this is the mission of the impossible premier. Save dinners, with a few close friends, of course, keep socks by the fireplace, gifts from grandparents, and maybe, who knows, New Years Eve. La Befana will be seen. The goal is ambitious, difficult, risky, and also very popular. For this, Giuseppe Conte focuses everything on the Rt index: if the diffusion parameter falls below 1, explain sources from Palazzo Chigi, it will mean that the measures taken are working, that the contagion curve will double, that it can be waived. a bit of tightening, changing schedules, reopening of bars and restaurants. Maybe even cancel the night curfew: talking about it now seems like science fiction, given the numbers and the situation of the hospitals, but anything can happen in forty days. Also to repeat the mistakes of the summer.
In fact, not everyone in the government agrees with Conte, who is willing to break through, in fact, the hard wing already promises a battle. “Eliminate the night lockdown?” We are waiting for the data to be decided – warns Francesco Boccia – but our priority remains to make the country safe from a health point of view. So it should be a peaceful and mindful Christmas. We will be rigorous ». Dario Franceschini even more rigid: “We must be careful. Between masses, tables, trips and shopping, this is the perfect time to rekindle the virus. If we remove the containment measures, we run the risk of repeating the Ferragosto disaster.
The point will be made early next month, after the expiration of the last Dpcm, on December 3: if between Sant’Ambrogio and the Immaculate Conception Covid has slowed the race, the government might defy the ire of scientists and relax . restrictions. Little, enough to “restore serenity to families.” However, it will not be an easy choice because once again the Palazzo Chigi will be shaken by contrary, shaken, indecisive thrusts. On the one hand, companies and merchants who do not want to miss another season and the Regions that fear the crisis and social repercussions, on the other, CTS and the Ministry of Health that fear a new collapse of Conte. “We will spend the holidays with caution – explains Walter Ricciardi – without crowds. Color restrictions will continue. We need responsibility and intelligence ”. But for Francesco Vaia, Medical Director of Spallanzani, “enough of catastrophists, the Italian people do not need threats and obscurantist messages: if we continue like this, we will succeed and at Christmas we will be able to see our loved ones safely”.
The discussion promises to be heated. “At Palazzo Chigi we have not yet talked about lifting the curfew at Christmas – says Teresa Bellanova in theInvited in Sky Tg24, but it’s not about being for or against. It is about working to arrive with a much better state of health than the current one. At that moment you can think of doing something. However, a den does not free everyone, says the head of Agriculture. “We have seen what summer relaxation meant, with the opening of nightclubs and the lack of distance. We don’t do the encore. Rather, let’s work to reduce infections. ‘ There are no crazy openings but no other closings either, that’s what Lorenzo Guerini thinks. “No new measures will be necessary for the holidays, the Italians are already behaving with a great sense of responsibility. It is a difficult moment, we are fighting against a formidable enemy, but there is no need for rules on how to live Christmas, people know how to do it themselves.