Conte at the Ambrosetti Forum: ‘European money not for less taxes but for recovery’ – Politics


Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte arrived at the ongoing Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio. “We have faced a crisis and a very serious health emergency that has turned into an economic and social emergency – said the premier in his speech. Also in terms of public order and the tenure of society, because we did not know what would happen. A challenge you have requested complex answers. “

“We will no longer face a general lockdown” added. “The figures are still significant but we are no longer facing the outbreak of a pandemic. We have structured ourselves with a monitoring system that will reasonably allow us to intervene in a focused and territorially limited way. The infections these days are significantly lower than those.” from neighboring countries. “

“We came out of it with a method, not relying on improvisation, but thanks to precautionary principles and appropriate and proportional interventions. But we came out of it mainly thanks to the citizens, and it is not a compliment. Italy has proven to be very disciplined. Italians were willing to follow the rules we imposed“.

“We are all convinced – underlined the premier – that preserving the productive and social fabric was an essential condition to get out of this storm: the measures we have taken for Italy have avoided increasing income inequalities between the north and the south”.

“We have also prepared a fiscal policy response to support the economy rising to the challenge. We have acted on many fronts with substantial resources to protect the economy and society. We feel that planning any relaunch would be impossible without supportive measures.” adequate and proportionate. It is necessary to strengthen the productive fabric in the south to relaunch the north. If the north also produces in the south, it will benefit from the recovery. “

“With our regulations we have asked companies to maintain the level of employment while there are public subsidies. After which structural interventions are needed, I am thinking about reforming the social safety nets, ”Conte said.

“The real challenge that awaits us is to face the structural problems that have prevented Italy from growing. The economic situation continues to present an extremely complex panorama and experts emphasize that it is characterized by factors of persistent uncertainty. Nobody can say today – said the prime minister – when we will emerge from this negative economic outlook. But the challenge is to overcome the structural knots, not to return to the way it was before the crisis ”.

We will continue going through a very tough phase, but beware, Istat already certifies that in the second quarter there was a fall but less than other countries. Italy lost 17.7% of GDP but France and Spain more. There are signs of confidence in our economy ”.

“We still have untapped energy: to do it we have a historic opportunity. The EU’s response has been strong and substantially swift. Italy played a role in this phase. The strong point was that beyond the different sensitivities, everyone in the end understood that in any case in such integrated economic systems, either we all leave quickly or no one is saved.

“We have very clear ideas: We are not asking for European money to lower taxes but to carry out all projects and initiatives within the framework of a coherent design that will remain a legacy for future generations, a project of recovery and relaunch of the country “concluded the premier
